ID: Q82814
The information in this article applies to:
Shell (for example, Program Manager) and OLE registration information is stored in .REG files that are used by the Registration Editor (REGEDIT.EXE) to add information to the registration database, REG.DAT. There is no difference between the way the Microsoft Windows version 3.1 Setup program originally registers this information and the way an application can be re- registered.
The Windows 3.1 Setup program calls WinExec("REGEDIT /S /U SETUP.REG", ...). This executes REGEDIT.EXE under Windows. This is the same as choosing Run from the File menu of either Program Manager or File Manager and typing the following line in the Command Line box:
Therefore, if your registration information for Windows 3.1 accessory
applications (ONLY those applications that ship with Windows 3.1, such
as Paintbrush and Write) has been lost, you can restore it by typing
the above line in the Command Line box as described above.
KBCategory: kbenv kbdisplay kbole KBSubcategory: win31 winshell Additional reference words: 3.10 3.1
Last Reviewed: May 8, 1995