Windows Err Msg: Failed to Register Server

ID: Q85326

The information in this article applies to:


If you are installing software and/or updating the REG.DAT file using Registration Editor (REGEDIT.EXE) under Windows version 3.1, you may receive the following error message:

   Failed to Register Server


This error can be caused by any of the following:


To correct this problem,

1. Check to see if there are two REG.DAT files on your hard drive. (If

   there are two files, one file is probably in the WINDOWS directory,
   while the other is likely in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.)

   There should only be one copy of these files on your hard drive; it
   should be in the WINDOWS directory. If there is a REG.DAT file in
   your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, delete the REG.DAT file in your
   WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.

2. If there aren't two REG.DAT files on your hard drive, the REG.DAT
   file is probably corrupt or write-protected. (REGEDIT /U cannot
   correct the file.) Delete the file, then run REGEDIT.EXE to
   re-create the REG.DAT file.

KBCategory: kbsetup kbole kberrmsg kbenv kbtool KBSubcategory: win31 wfw wfwg Additional reference words: 3.10 3.1 3.11

Last Reviewed: November 21, 1994