System Reserved Partitions on PowerPCs

ID: Q154855

The information in this article applies to:


When you configure partitions during the text mode portion of Setup on the PowerPC (Motorola PowerStack) platform, you will see a small partition marked:

-- System Reserved 10 MB
The size may vary, but typically, it will be a small partition. It will not be assigned a drive letter.


On the PowerPC platform, a special partition is created that contains the system firmware. Under no conditions should this partition be deleted. If you delete this partition, the computer will be unbootable. This partition is separate from the normal RISC architecture system partition that contains files needed to start the operating system. On RISC machines, the system partition should always be FAT. If the "System Reserved" partition is accidentally deleted or damaged, contact the hardware vendor for utilities and instructions on how to re-create it.

Additional query words: prodnt PowerStack Motorola PPC

Keywords          : kb3rdparty ntfilesys NTSrvWkst 
Version           : 3.5 3.51 4.0
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: January 16, 1999