PPT2000: PowerPoint 2000 Add-In with Interactive Modal Dialogs Cause Word and Excel 2000 to Stop Responding

ID: Q226750

The information in this article applies to:


If you are use Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Word 2000, or Excel 2000 with any Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 add-in that requires user action when it is autoloaded when the application is started and you try to insert a PowerPoint presentation as an object while PowerPoint is not running, one of the following symptoms may occur:

Any further attempts to insert objects will fail with the identical results previously listed.


This is caused when the PowerPoint Add-in starts a modal user interface (UI) during either the Auto_Open or the Auto_Close events for the add-in. When this occurs, it appears to the operating system that PowerPoint 2000 is no longer installed on the computer.

This is because modal user interfaces are run from the Visual Basic for Applications layer of Office (not from PowerPoint directly). The Windows Installer interprets the program ID as damage to PowerPoint. In addition, PowerPoint cannot finish loading until the modal UI has been cleared from the display. This activates the final error message.


Disable Add-ins with Modal User Interfaces

To disable add-ins with modal user interfaces, follow these steps:
  1. On the Tools menu, click Add-Ins.

  2. From the list of installed add-ins, select the add-ins that have Modal UIs, then click Unload.

  3. Click Close.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words: PPT2K PPT2000 PPT POWERPNT 2000 PPT9 9.0 error visual basic addin program setup install installer

Keywords          : kbinterop kbdta kbaddins KbVBA 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: July 7, 1999