WD: Foreign Language Translation Software Available

ID: Q99262

The information in this article applies to:


Several translation packages are available that allow you to translate documents between English and other languages. Some packages are unidirectional (for example, from English to Spanish only), and some are bi- directional (for example, from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English).

This article lists several manufacturers and briefly describes their translation packages.



Globalink produces several foreign language translating products that operate in the Windows environment.

   Power Translator 6.0

   Globalink Power Translator(R) 6.0 creates draft translations of
   documents, e-mail, Web pages, and more.

   Now with four languages in one box:

   - Spanish
   - French
   - German
   - Italian

   You can easily translate text to and from English, create new documents,
   import files from other applications, or install it to work within
   Microsoft Word.

   Includes a utility for translating within e-mail applications, a special
   version of Globalink Web Translator(TM), and a Conversation utility.
   You can create, prioritize, and modify dictionaries; edit documents
   interactively; and look up or inflect words. Based on Globalink
   Barcelona(TM) technology for Windows 95 or Windows NT systems.

   Power Translator 5.1

   Globalink Power Translator(TM) 5.1 is the newest release for Windows 3.1
   operating systems. Now with three languages in one box:

   - Spanish
   - French
   - German

   You can easily translate text to and from English, create new documents
   within the program, or import files from other applications, including
   Microsoft Word.

   Includes a utility for translating within e-mail applications and a
   special version of Globalink Web Translator(TM). The program allows you
   to create and modify dictionaries and offers voice output. You can look
   up and inflect words and have access to online grammar help.

Globalink also makes intranet and Web translation software.

For more information on Globalink products, contact:

   Globalink, Inc.
   9302 Lee Highway
   Fairfax, VA  22031
     Main Phone  : (800) 255-5600
     Fax         : (703) 273-3866
     Tech Support: (703) 934-2734
     Internet    : http://www.globalink.com/ 

Linguistic Products

Linguistic Products produces PC Translator, which translates the following languages:

Customize the PC-Translator dictionaries with your own terms and phrases as used in your documentation. These dictionaries will encapsulate the translator expertise into a company specific terminology database, lower translation costs, and shorten time to market for multiple language releases. Additionally, they allow flexibility when choosing translators, because the expertise used previously can be reused.

PC Translator preserves document formats for Microsoft Word in Rich-Text Format (RTF) and runs in the Windows environment. For more information on PC Translator, contact:

   Linguistic Products
   P.O. Box 8263
   The Woodlands, Texas 77387
     Phone   : (281) 298-2565
     Fax     : (281) 298-1911
     Internet: http://www.pctranslator.com
     E-mail  : 76474.1515@compuserve.com

The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: bi-directional uni-directional

Keywords          : kb3rdparty kbinterop word8 winword word6 winword2 word7 word95 word 
Version           : 2.x 6.0 6.0a 6.0c 7.0 7.0a
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 24, 1998