WD2000: Cannot Retain Underline Color Different from Text Color When Saving As Word 6.0/95

ID: Q224720

The information in this article applies to:


Case 1

When you do the following:
  1. Select the Disable features not supported by Word 97 option (on the Tools menu, click Options and then select the Save tab).

  2. Change the format of a numbered (or outline numbered) style to include an underline color that is different from the color of the text itself.

Word allows you to make the change, but when you save the Word document as Word 6.0/95, close the file, and reopen it, the underlined number does not retain the different color underlining.

Case 2

If the Disable features not supported by Word 97 option is not selected, and you try to save your Word document as Word 6.0/95, when you click Save in the Save (or Save As) dialog box, no message appears to warn you that some of the features in your document aren't supported by Word 6.0/95.


The functionality of not retaining the different underline color from the underlined text is by design in Microsoft Word 2000 when you save your Word document as Word 6.0/95. However, when you have the Disable features not supported by Word 97 option selected, the underline color option still appears to be available, though it is not available.

In addition, when you turn off the Disable features not supported by Word 97 option, Word does not give you a warning message that some features in your document are not supported by Word 6.0/95.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


To change the underline color of your numbered list, do the following:

  1. On the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering.

  2. Select any Numbered (or Outline Numbered) style, and click Customize.

  3. In the Customize Numbered List dialog box (or Customize Outline Numbered List dialog box), click Font.

  4. In the Underline color box, select the color you want.

For additional information about the limitations of saving Word 2000 documents as Word 6.0/95, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q212268 WD2000: Part 1: Limitations Converting to Word 6.0/95 Format
Q216920 WD2000: Part 2: Limitations Converting to Word 6.0/95 Format

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbdta wd2000 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: June 2, 1999