WD2000: Word Hangs Inserting Discussion Next to Table

ID: Q217647

The information in this article applies to:


When you insert an inline discussion next to a complex table in your document, Word may stop responding (hang).

For example, when you insert an inline discussion to the right of the table in the following example, Word may stop responding.

| Test Text     | Test Text | Test Text  | Test Text | |<--- Insert an
|---------------|           |            |           |       inline
| Test Text     |           |            |           |       discussion
|               |           |            |-----------|       here
|---------------|           |            | Test Text |
| Test Text     |           |            |           |
|               |           |            |           |
|               |------------------------|           |
|               | Test Text              |           |
|               |                        |           |
|               |                        |           |
|               |                        |-----------|
|               |                        | Test Text |
|               |                        |           |
NOTE: A complex table is a table that contains cells that are not of equal height or width and may span several columns or rows. For example, a complex table may be inserted when you click Draw Table on the Table menu and you draw your table and table cells.


Do not insert a discussion to the right of a complex table. Instead, insert a discussion either in a particular cell of the table, or to the top or bottom of the table.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


By using the Discussions feature, you and your colleagues can insert remarks into the same document. You can start a discussion by using the Discussions toolbar, and other reviewers can add remarks.

Discussions are similar to comments in that they allow multiple reviewers to offer input on a document. Discussions differ from comments in several key ways:

Reviewers can add discussion remarks to any document, even if they do not have write permissions to the document.

Discussions are stored in a database separate from their document. This means that you can store your document on a Web server that is not running Office Server Extensions, or you can store your document on the same server as your discussions database. In either case, you can always add remarks to your document.
For more information about discussions, click Microsoft Word Help on the Help menu, type discussions in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topics returned.

Additional query words: OFF2000

Keywords          : kbdta wd2000 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: July 19, 1999