SAMPLE: MultLing.exe - Multilingual OLE Automation Object

ID: Q107698

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MultLing.exe demonstrates how to create an OLE automation object that supports multiple languages. This allows the controller of an automation object to access properties and methods using any of the languages that are supported.


The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:

 ~ MultLing.exe (size: 29766 bytes) 

For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q119591
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

This multilingual OLE automation object sample checks the Locale ID (LCID) passed methods of the IDispatch interface to determine the language being used by the automation controller. The object supports access of properties and methods in English, French, and German.

One Type Library Per Language

The automation object registers three different type libraries in the registration database--one for each supported language. The type libraries have the same UUIDs but different locale attributes. Each type library is loaded at object creation and the ITypeInfo interface is obtained from each as follows (see LoadTypeInfo in MAIN.CPP):

   LoadRegTypeLib(LIBID_Hello, 1, 0, lcid, &ptlib);
   ptlib->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(IID_IHello, &ptinfo);


Interpret LCID in IDispatch Methods

The implementation of IDispatch::GetTypeInfo, GetIDsOfNames, and Invoke checks the value of the lcid parameter to determine the locale ID and uses the appropriate ITypeInfo for that language (See CHello::GetTypeInfo, GetIDsOfNames, and Invoke in HELLO.CPP).

To Run

The multilingual automation object exposes one VT_BSTR property (HelloMessage) and one method (SayHello).

ProgID                  :  HelloMultiLingual.Hello

Method and Property Names:

English         French         German          Action

HelloMessage    SalutMessage   HalloNachricht  Sets or gets the
                                               HelloMessage string.
SayHello        DitSalut       SagHallo        Displays the HelloMessage
                                               in an edit control.

Use the AUTOCTRL sample to control the multilingual automation object. The AUTOCTRL automation controller allows the locale ID to be specified.

Update the path in HELLO.REG to the current location of the object and the type libraries.

To Compile

Requires OLE 2.01 or later.

Include device=vmb.386 in the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI. Note that vmb.386 can be found in \OLE2\BIN. Run the WXSERVER.EXE from \OLE2\BIN before running the makefile.

Additional query words: multi-lingual Keywords : kbfile kbsample kbAutomation kbNTOS350 kbNTOS351 kbOLE200 kbWinOS95

Last Reviewed: December 11, 1998