ACC: How to Trap Specific ODBC Error Messages (95/97)

ID: Q183278

The information in this article applies to:

Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.


You can use the Errors collection to trap specific ODBC errors. However, you must loop through all of the elements in the collection to access the ODBC error information. The first element contains only a number and description for a generic "ODBC Call--failed" error. More specific information returned by the ODBC data source is available in subsequent members of the collection.

This article assumes that you are familiar with Visual Basic for Applications and with creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided with Microsoft Access. For more information about Visual Basic for Applications, please refer to your version of the "Building Applications with Microsoft Access" manual.


The following example demonstrates a Visual Basic for Applications procedure that loops through the Errors collection to access error information returned from an ODBC data source. It assumes that you have linked the dbo.authors table to your database from the SQL Server sample database named Pubs.

  1. Start Microsoft Access and open the database containing the table that is linked to dbo.authors in the Pubs sample database.

  2. Create a new module and enter the following procedure:

          Function TestODBCErr(strTableName As String)
             On Error GoTo ODBCErrHandler
             Dim db As Database
             Dim rs As Recordset
             Set db = CurrentDb()
             Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strTableName, dbOpenDynaset)
             With rs
                ![au_id] = "999-88-7777"
                ![au_fname] = "Jane"
                ![au_lname] = "Doe"
                ' Note you do not supply data for the required field contract.
             End With
             Exit Function
             Dim errX As Error
             If Errors.Count > 1 Then
                For Each errX In Errors
                   Debug.Print "ODBC Error"
                   Debug.Print errX.Number
                   Debug.Print errX.Description
                Next errX
                Debug.Print "VBA Error"
                Debug.Print Err.Number
                Debug.Print Err.Description
             End If
             Resume Exit_function
          End Function 
  4. Press CTRL+G to open the Debug window.

  5. Type the following line in the Debug window, and then press ENTER:
    Note that the function returns the number of the generic "ODBC Call--failed" error, but it also returns detailed error information from the ODBC data source itself.

  6. Type the following line in the Debug window, and then press ENTER:
    Note that you receive the expected Visual Basic for Applications error indicating that the Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the input table.


For more information about trapping ODBC errors in Microsoft Access 2.0, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q129165 ACC2: Trapping Specific ODBC Error Messages
For more information about the Errors collection, search the Help Index for "Errors Collection" and display the topic "Errors Collection (DAO)."

Additional query words: how to raiserror

Keywords          : kbdta kbdtacode PgmErr 
Version           : WINDOWS:7.0,97
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: August 3, 1999