PRJ4: GP Fault If ConsolidateProjects Has Long Filenames Arg

ID: Q126816

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Project, when you use the ConsolidateProjects method with a long "filenames" argument, you may receive a general protection (GP) fault when you run the macro that contains this command.


This problem occurs when you use the ConsolidateProjects method with a filenames argument that contains more than 128 characters if the filenames argument is not recognized as a valid filename string or if the string cannot be parsed correctly.

For example, if you change your list separator value in Microsoft Windows to the semicolon character (;) (using the International icon in the Control Panel), the following filenames argument is not recognized as a valid string of filenames, and cannot be parsed correctly:

   ConsolidateProjects filenames:= _
     "project1.mpp,project2.mpp,project3.mpp,project4.mpp,project5.mpp," _
     & "project6.mpp,project7.mpp,project8.mpp,project9.mpp," _
     & "project10.mpp"

You receive a GP fault when you run the macro that contains this command, because the number of characters in the filenames string exceeds 128.

This problem occurs because when you use the ConsolidateProjects method to display multiple project files in one consolidated project, if one of the filenames in the filenames argument cannot be opened, you receive the following error message

   The file '<filename>' could not be opened. Continue consolidating
   without '<filename>'?

where <filename> is the name of one of the files in the filenames argument that cannot be opened.

If the <filename> string that the error message attempts to display contains more than 128 characters, you receive a GP fault when the error message is displayed.


To avoid this problem, use the list separator character that is set in the Control Panel to parse filenames in the filenames argument of the ConsolidateProjects method.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


For more information about the ConsolidateProjects Method, choose the Search button in the Visual Basic Reference and type:


Additional query words: 4.00 gpf
Keywords          : kbcode kbprg
Version           : 4.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: November 25, 1997