HOWTO: Update More Than 40 fields in an Access (Jet) Database

ID: Q192716

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A "Query is too complex" error occurs when using RDO or ADO to update data in an Access (Jet) database. Due to a limitation of the Jet database engine, this error can occur if the recordset to be updated contains more than 40 fields. This article describes the problem scenario, the Jet limitation, and several workarounds.


When executing the Update() or BatchUpdate() methods of RDO's rdoResultset object, or the Update() or UpdateBatch() methods of ADO's Recordset object, the ODBC error S1000 "Query is too complex" (Visual Basic run-time error 40002) occurs.

This behavior occurs because the default behavior of ADO and RDO is to use each field in the recordset to determine the record to be updated on the server. That is, when the update is attempted, a SQL Update query is sent to the server. Part of this query is a WHERE clause that is used to identify the record to be updated. An AND clause appears within the WHERE clause for each field to be used in that identification. Updating a recordset with more than 40 fields involves a WHERE clause with more than 40 ANDs.

The Jet engine allows only 40 AND clauses within a SQL WHERE or HAVING clause. The Access ODBC driver returns a "Query is too complex" error when it encounters such a SQL statement. See the REFERENCES section of this article for more information.

There are several ways to avoid this behavior:

  1. For new applications, use DAO when working with Access databases. DAO was designed for this purpose, and will not issue a SQL query to perform the update. Note that RDO and especially ADO were designed to operate efficiently with many other types of databases and are recommended for applications that will interact with various servers or that will be upsized in the future to use Microsoft SQL Server, for example.

  2. When opening the recordset to be updated (such as the RDO OpenResultset or ADO OpenRecordset methods), select specific, and 40 or fewer fields.

  3. Use a server-side cursor.

  4. Ensure that a unique key is used to identify the record to be updated, rather than the default behavior of using every field. A unique key (though not necessarily a primary key) must be defined in the underlying recordset for this technique to work.


For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q92690 : ACC: Limit on ANDs in SQL Select Statement

Additional query words: kbDSupport kbVBp kbdse kbADO200 kbADO150 kbRDO200 kbVBp500 kbVBp600

Keywords          : 
Version           : WINDOWS:1.5,2.0,5.0,6.0
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: May 24, 1999