GP Fault After End User License Agreement During Setup

ID: Q135162

The information in this article applies to:


When you are installing Windows, you may receive a general protection (GP) fault error message after you accept the End User License Agreement. The error message you receive is similar to the following message:

Suwin caused a GPF in 256_1280.drv at 0002:0D7B


This problem can occur if any of the following conditions exists:


To resolve this problem, use the appropriate method:


When the GSI BIOS is queried about how many hard disks there are, it returns three when there are actually only two. When queried about drive 82 (the third drive), the BIOS returns an invalid string that corrupts 1 byte of memory.

Additional query words: gpf

Keywords          : kberrmsg kbhw kbsetup win95 win98 
Version           : WINDOWS:95
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: January 22, 1999