Problems with PCI BusLogic SCSI Controller

ID: Q132657

The information in this article applies to:


If your computer contains a Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) BusLogic small computer system interface (SCSI) controller, either of the following symptoms may occur:


This behavior can occur if the BusLogic card is not configured as a true PCI device.


To configure the BusLogic card to be a true PCI device, remove the jumpers in the bottom right corner of the card. If you remove the jumpers, the card can be enumerated. If you leave the jumpers on on the card, the card is detected as a legacy device and is not enumerated by the enumerator. Also, if you leave the jumpers on, the I/O range is set to a standard address (such as 330, 334, 130, or 134) instead of a standard high PCI address.

If the version number in the top right corner of the card is -01-4.23K or later, the card is supported in true PCI mode and Microsoft recommends that you remove the jumpers.

If the version is earlier than -01-4.23K, leave the jumpers on the card.


The factory default jumper settings should work, as all cards earlier than version -01-4.23K were shipped with the jumpers on. However, if the jumpers are removed from an early card, the device will not work correctly.

For information about setting the jumpers on the PCI BusLogic SCSI controller, please contact the manufacturer.

Additional query words: bus logic

Keywords          : kbhw win95 win98 
Version           : 
Platform          : 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: January 20, 1999