Removing Everyone(Read) from %WinRoot% Causes Shutdown at Logon

ID: Q154066

The information in this article applies to:


When read access for the Everyone Group has been removed from the %WinRoot% directory tree and read permissions have not been granted for the current user or group attempting to logon, an automatic shutdown of the system is initiated.

This will occur if the current user is not a member of the Administrators group(s) (either local or domain).


The system shutdown is caused by the inability to access the files necessary to create the Win32 subsystem process in which Program Manager will run. Because this process cannot be initiated, the system begins a shutdown.

To ensure that new users will be able to logon locally you will need to allow read access to the %WinRoot% directory tree for the group the users will belong to.

For further information on this problem, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q137155Users Without System32 Permissions Cannot Log On.

Additional query words: prodnt logon shutdown read access everyone group

Keywords          : kbenv kbother kbsetup ntdomain ntgeneral NTSrv 
Version           : WinNT:3.5,3.51
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : kbhowto kbprb 

Last Reviewed: February 25, 1999