BUG: SETUP.APP Removes GENGRAPH.APP from Distribution

ID: Q114495

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft FoxPro for Macintosh, versions 2.5x, 2.6a


When you are running a distributed application that takes advantage of GENGRAPH.APP, which is set up by the FoxPro for Macintosh Distribution Kit, the following error will occur:

   File 'GENGRAPH.APP' does not exist. Cancel or Ignore.


The Setup Wizard, SETUP.APP, does not include GENGRAPH.APP in the folder of disk images to be distributed even when GENGRAPH.APP has been placed in the source folder prior to running the Setup Wizard. Therefore, GENGRAPH.APP is not installed with the application.

SETUP.APP has been coded to exclude the list of prohibited files found on page 8 of the FoxPro for Macintosh Distribution Kit "User's Guide." The code that determines if a file can be distributed looks at a table, NAUGHTY.DBF, to make this determination. If the current file to be processed is in NAUGHTY, then the file to be processed is skipped. Because GENGRAPH.APP is included in the table NAUGHTY, SETUP.APP skips over it when it is processing the files in the folder of files to be distributed.


In order to include GENGRAPH.APP on one of the disks of files to be distributed, you must modify the Setup Wizard, SETUP.APP. Because the source code for the Setup Wizard is included with the Distribution Kit, you can make the necessary modifications to the source and rebuild SETUP.APP.

IMPORTANT: Although GENGRAPH.APP can be distributed with an application created with FoxPro for Macintosh and the FoxPro for Macintosh Distribution Kit, Microsoft Graph cannot be distributed freely. Every copy of Microsoft Graph MUST be distributed with a licensed copy of a product that includes Microsoft Graph. These products include Microsoft Word version 5.0 and later for Macintosh, Microsoft PowerPoint version 3.0 and later for Macintosh, and Microsoft FoxPro versions 2.5b, 2.5c, and 2.6a for Macintosh.

For additional information about distributing Microsoft Graph, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q114667
   TITLE     : Error Initializing OLE When Running GENGRAPH

To modify SETUP.APP so that GENGRAPH.APP will be included for distribution in future runs of the Setup Wizard, do the following:

1. Back up the Setup Wizard. Make sure you back up SETUP.APP and the DK

   Wizard folder, which are both located in the main FoxPro folder. Backing
   these files up will allow you to recover them without having to
   reinstall the Distribution Kit. For information about copying and
   renaming files and folders on the Macintosh, see the "User's Guide"
   included with the Macintosh.

2. In FoxPro for Macintosh, open the SETUP.PJX project in the DK Wizard

3. Locate the entry for the table NAUGHTY in the Project dialog box's list
   box. Select this entry and choose Edit.

4. In the Browse window that appears, locate the record corresponding to
   GENGRAPH.APP. Mark this record for deletion by choosing Delete from the
   Record menu, and then pack the table by choosing Pack from the Database
   menu. For more information about deleting records and packing tables,
   see Chapters 4 and 5 of the FoxPro for Macintosh "User's Guide."

5. Rebuild the Setup Wizard, and save the new SETUP.APP file to the main
   FoxPro folder. This will overwrite the original SETUP.APP file. For more
   information about building projects, see Chapter 11 of the FoxPro for
   Macintosh "User's Guide."

6. Close the project and close the table NAUGHTY. Run the new SETUP.APP on
   the folder that includes GENGRAPH.APP and other files to be distributed.

The new SETUP.APP should include GENGRAPH.APP in the folder of disk images to be distributed.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

1. In the Macintosh Finder, create a folder called TEST.

2. Place a copy of GENGRAPH.APP in the TEST folder.

3. In FoxPro, run the Setup application, SETUP.APP, and specify TEST as

   the source folder.

After the setup process has been completed, the destination folder of disks to be distributed will not contain GENGRAPH.APP.

For more information about running the Setup Wizard, see Chapter 5 of the FoxPro Distribution Kit for Macintosh "User's Guide."


FoxPro for Macintosh "User's Guide," version 2.5 FoxPro for Macintosh Distribution Kit "User's Guide," version 2.5 "Macintosh User's Guide," Apple Computer

Additional reference words: FoxMac 2.50b 2.50c 2.60a EXCLUDE EXCLUDES graph wizard msgraph DK distribution kit buglist2.50b buglist2.50c buglist2.60a KBCategory: kbtool kbprg kbbuglist KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: May 16, 1996