Contents of WGREADME.TXT, the Workgroup Extensions Readme

ID: Q119937

2.60 WINDOWS kbreadme

The information in this article applies to:


Below is the complete FoxPro for Windows WGREADME.TXT file, found on Disk 1 of the WorkGroup Extensions Kit, or the WorkGroup Extensions subdirectory (normally FPW26\WRKEXTS)


  Microsoft(R) FoxPro(R) Version 2.6 Professional Edition

                 WorkGroup Extensions

    (C)1994 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Part Description ---- -----------

 1     Introduction
 2     Installation
 3     Notes About Sample Applications
 4     Distributing Applications to Users
 5     Using MAPI in Interactive Mode

Part 1: Introduction This Readme contains details about installing and using the FoxPro MAPI functions in FOXMAPI.FLL to integrate Microsoft FoxPro for Windows with Microsoft Mail and Microsoft Schedule+. For information on specific functions, see the Help file (FOXMAPI.HLP) located in the WRKEXTS directory. The Help file can also be accessed by selecting FoxPro MAPI Help... from the Mail menu sample program.

Before you begin using the FoxPro MAPI routines, it is recommended that you review the "FoxPro Environmental Considerations" Help topic.

Part 2: Installation

Installing the Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6

The Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6 includes the following kits:

Distribution Kit Connectivity Kit Library Construction Kit WorkGroup Extensions (FoxPro for Windows only)

To install the Professional Edition of FoxPro, first install the main FoxPro product, then follow the installation instructions included with each individual kit. The order in which the kits are installed does not matter.

Installing the WorkGroup Extensions

To install the WorkGroup Extensions, follow the steps below. It is recommended that you keep a backup copy of all files on the installation floppy disk.

1. Create a new subdirectory of your main FoxPro directory

   and name the subdirectory WRKEXTS.

2. Copy the following files from the floppy disk to the
   WRKEXTS directory:


3. Copy the following subdirectories and their contents from
   the floppy disk to the WRKEXTS directory:


4. Copy the following files from the subdirectory LIBS to
   the Microsoft Windows system directory (usually called


Part 3: Notes about Sample Applications The FoxPro sample programs and applications are distributed solely to provide examples and guidelines for using the FOXMAPI library calls. Microsoft is not responsible for the code contained in any of the sample files and does not provide support for these files.

The sample programs contain examples of all 12 MAPI functions contained in the FoxPro MAPI library, FOXMAPI.FLL.

The Library Routines in MAPILIB.PRG

All the sample programs access library routines contained in the MAPILIB program file, and error routines contained in MAPIERR.PRG. Both the MAPILIB.PRG and the MAPIERR.PRG files are intended to be used with any of your applications that use of the FOXMAPI library. You can modify MAPILIB.PRG and MAPIERR.ERR to suit your own needs, and can distribute them with your applications.

Each of the sample applications use a common log on routine in MAPILIB which checks to see if there is an active MS Mail session running, and then uses it for transactions. For information about how to run multiple sessions of MS Mail, see the Help file.

The Mail Menu

This simple Mail menu can be added to any FoxPro application by running the program MAILMENU.PRG, located in the MAILMENU subdirectory. The Mail menu provides options to send and read mail messages, and to access the FoxPro MAPI Help file. The MAILMENU.PRG program is actually generated code from the MAILMENU.MNX menu file.

All 12 MAPI calls are included in the two main programs used in this sample application, READMAIL.PRG and SENDMAIL.PRG. The majority of the calls are contained in the READMAIL program which goes through and polls your MS Mail Inbox messages. You should review this code closely as it contains several tricks for successfully handing MS Mail messages in FoxPro.

Bulk Mailing Application

The bulk mailing sample application shows a common use of FoxPro and MAPI, and is located in the BULK subdirectory. This application allows you to create mail messages and send them to a list of recipients contained in the FoxPro table, MEMBERS.DBF. The content of the message includes a simple text message and additional information matched to each recipient, extracted from another FoxPro table, SALES.DBF.

Note: The FoxPro tables contain place holder MS Mail names and addressees. Running the application without modifying these names and addresses produces an "Unknown Recipient" error. To run the application, you should use names and addresses contained in your MS Mail system.

Using this sample application you can send two types of mail messages to a list of people contained in a FoxPro table: General and Personal.

If you select the General radio button, a single message is sent to all mail addresses contained in the table. All names are included in To box, and the Send Note dialog appears to confirm the mailing.

If you select the Personalized radio button, each recipient receives an individual copy of the message. Only one name is included in the To box, and the Send Note dialog is suppressed. This mailing takes more time since a message is sent for each individual in the listing. In the code of the personalized mailing, notice how you can set flags to suppress the MAPI SendNote dialog.

Project File Updater Application

The Project File Updater application shows a simple multiuser project manager, using MAPI. It allows developers, each working on specific files of a common project, to update each other's local projects with current files through a MAPI message. In addition, a button is provided to poll for new files which may have been sent by someone.

This sample program illustrates two MAPI uses: how to send files to others, and how to send a MAPI message which does not get detected by MS Mail.

The interface provides a popup menu with all the developers working on the project. The developer names and files they are working with are located in two tables. Being a developer, you would select your name from the popup, and all the files assigned to you are placed in a list box. Use the Move button to select files to update to the other developer's machines.

The Mail Files button creates a message with only the updated files. No text is added to the message. For purposes of identifying these mail messages, the subject field is stamped with 'Project Files' and message type field is stamped as 'IPC.ProjectUpdater'. The IPC type will not be detected by the MS Mail client (it will not appear in the Inbox).

The Receive Files button polls through the mail looking for files stamped with a type "IPC.ProjectUpdater" and subject "Project Files". A cursor table is created showing a list of these files. Note: Files are not actually updated (i.e., overwritten) in the sample program.

Note: The FoxPro table contains place holder MS Mail names and addressees. Running the application without modifying these names and addresses produces an "Unknown Recipient" error. To run the application, you should use names and addresses contained in your MS Mail system.

Schedule+ Sample Programs

The SPLUS directory includes sample code for calling Schedule+ functions. FoxPro functions for both MAPI and Schedule+ are in the single file, FOXMAPI.FLL.

Part 4: Distributing Applications to Users For information about distributing applications to users, see the topic "Distributing Your WorkGroup Applications" in the Help file.

To help you distribute applications, compressed versions of the MAPI.DLL and SPLUS.DLL libraries are included with the WorkGroup Extensions in the LIBS subdirectory. These files are named MAPI.DL_ and SPLUS.DL_.

The compressed MAPI.DL_ library is the United States version 3.02, and the SPLUS.DL_ library is version 1.0a. If you use updated or international versions of these files, or you later receive updated versions, distribute your updated or new international files to your users.

The MAPI.DL_ and SPLUS.L_ files are provided for the convenience of you and your users. Each user must have a valid client license for Microsoft Mail, Microsoft Schedule+, or Microsoft Windows for WorkGroups. You cannot distribute these libraries to unlicensed users.

Distributing Library Files outside of the United States

You can distribute the library file MAPI.DLL from the WorkGroup Extensions only to users who use either the U.S. version of the Microsoft Mail client for Windows, or the U.S. version of Microsoft Windows for WorkGroups. You can obtain non-U.S. versions of MAPI.DLL from non-U.S. versions of Microsoft Mail and Windows for WorkGroups. You can use the SPLUS.DLL library with any language version of Microsoft Schedule+.

Part 5: Using MAPI in Interactive Mode If you type a MAPI command into the FoxPro Command Window or use the keyboard to select a button that calls a MAPI command, and that particular MAPI command brings up a MS Mail dialogue box (i.e. MPSendNote), the cursor may not appear. However, the cursor will appear if the code is run programmatically.

                     END OF WGREADME.TXT

Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.60 contents directory KBCategory: kbreadme KBSubcategory: FxotherReadme
Keywords          : kbsetup FxotherReadme 
Version           : 2.60
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998