Description of ADDUSER.APP

ID: Q110132

The information in this article applies to:


The ADDUSER.APP application configures a workstation for use in a network environment.

The Workstation Installation program (INSTALL /N) runs ADDUSER.APP if the user chooses to configure FoxPro for his or her particular network environment.

Once a Workstation Installation is completed, you can also run ADDUSER.APP at a later date to configure the workstation. ADDUSER.APP is located in the main FoxPro directory.

ADDUSER.APP can also create custom configuration and resource files on the workstation from custom default files (CONFIG.DEF, DEFUSER.DBF, and DEFUSER.FPT) that you have created.


Specifying the Installation Directory at Startup

ADDUSER.APP accepts a parameter to specify the workstation directory at startup. Be sure to include a backslash (\) after the pathname.

For example, to modify the settings in C:\WORKSTA, type the following in the FoxPro Command window:

   DO ADDUSER.APP WITH "c:\worksta\"

Or, at the MS-DOS prompt, type the following to start FoxPro and run ADDUSER.APP to modify the settings in C:\WORKSTA:



The ADDUSER.APP application performs the following:

1. Prompts for the workstation directory. You can use the default directory

   provided, or specify a different one.

2. Displays a configuration screen with the following information used to
   modify AUTOEXEC.BAT and the configuration file:

    - The CONFIG.FP pathname. The default is CONFIG.FP in the workstation
      directory. This is used in the SET FOXPROCFG= statement in the
      AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

    - The FOXUSER pathname. The default is FOXUSER.DBF in the workstation
      directory. This is used in the RESOURCE= statement in the
      configuration file.

    - The directories used by the Editor, Sort, and Program work files. The
      default for all three is the workstation directory. These are used in
      the EDITWORK=, SORTWORK=, and PROGWORK= statements in the
      configuration file.

    - A check box to limit the memory reserved for non-FoxPro functions. By
      default, this check box is not selected. If you select it, the
      default memory setting used is the maximum amount, 427 kilobytes.
      Selecting this box adds the DOSMEM=<memory amount> statement to the
      configuration file.

   NOTE: This screen contains a Filer button. Choose it to run the FoxPro
   Filer program, which allows you to view your system directory structure
   without quitting ADDUSER.APP.

3. Prompts to update AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you choose OK, the SET
   FOXPROCFG=<configuration pathname> statement is added to the

4. Prompts to update the configuration file. If you choose OK, the lines
   specified in the configuration screen are added to the configuration

5. If you chose to update the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and the configuration file,
   the following message is displayed:

      Your AUTOEXEC.BAT file has been modified to tell FoxPro
      where to find your CONFIG.FP file. Exit FoxPro in the
      normal manner and reboot your system before you start up
      FoxPro again in order for your changes to take effect.

      Press any key to continue...

Custom Configuration and Resource Files

If either the configuration or resource files specified in the ADDUSER.APP configuration screen do not already exist, ADDUSER.APP uses one or both of the files below for initial setup information. These files must be in the same directory as ADDUSER.APP.

Additional reference words: FoxDos 2.50 2.50a 2.50b KBCategory: kbnetwork kbtool kbprg KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: April 18, 1995