Disk Directory and Installation of the Connectivity Kit

ID: Q101052

The information in this article applies to:


Below are the directory listings and installation instructions for the Microsoft FoxPro Connectivity Kit version 2.5 for MS-DOS and Windows (both 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch disks).


To install the Connectivity Kit, copy the necessary libraries from Disk 1 to the appropriate FoxPro directory (FPSQL.PLB should be copied to the FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS directory; FPSQL.FLL should be copied to the FoxPro 2.5 for Windows directory).

If you are using the Connectivity Kit for Windows, run the Setup program on Disk 2 to install the ODBC driver in the Windows Control Panel. (NOTE: There is no MS-DOS-based counterpart to this step.)

To test for a valid connection, copy CKSAMPLE.APP and the CKSAMPLE directory to the FoxPro directory.

Disk 1

Disk Volume: FOXPROCK

FPSQL    FLL     49237 05-25-93   2:50a
FPSQL    PLB    180687 05-25-93   2:50a
CKSAMPLE APP    144086 05-25-93   2:50a
CKREADME TXT     10403 05-25-93   2:50a
CKSAMPLE     <DIR>     05-25-93   2:50a

CKSAMPLE Subdirectory

MAINPROG PRG      5707 05-25-93   2:50a
CKSAMPLE PJX      6330 05-25-93   2:50a
OPTIONS  SCX     16363 05-25-93   2:50a
OPTIONS  SCT      6958 05-25-93   2:50a
CLEANUP  PRG       496 05-25-93   2:50a
MEM2GEN  PRG      1208 05-25-93   2:50a
CKSAMPLE PJT     88960 05-25-93   2:50a
HELPDATA FPT     71616 05-25-93   2:50a
HELPDATA DBF        77 05-25-93   2:50a
HELPCK   SCX      5919 05-25-93   2:50a
HELPCK   SCT      1662 05-25-93   2:50a
FROM     SCX      8530 05-25-93   2:50a
WHERE    SCX      7784 05-25-93   2:50a
USEDB    SCX      6292 05-25-93   2:50a
EDITWHER SCT      1600 05-25-93   2:50a
FROM     SCT     12194 05-25-93   2:50a
JOIN     SCT      5214 05-25-93   2:50a
USEDB    SCT      3255 05-25-93   2:50a
BQUERY   SCX     10022 05-25-93   2:50a
BQUERY   SPR     36726 05-25-93   2:50a
SAMPLE   MNX      4220 05-25-93   2:50a
SELECT   SCX      8530 05-25-93   2:50a
FROM     SPR     20546 05-25-93   2:50a
SAMPLE   MPR      3400 05-25-93   2:50a
SELECT   SCT      9583 05-25-93   2:50a
SELECT   SPR     19919 05-25-93   2:50a
EDITWHER SCX      5546 05-25-93   2:50a
WHERE    SPR      9745 05-25-93   2:50a
JOIN     SCX      7784 05-25-93   2:50a
REPOERRO SCX      7038 05-25-93   2:50a
USEDB    SPR      8460 05-25-93   2:50a
BQUERY   SCT     18943 05-25-93   2:50a
EDITQUER SPR      7772 05-25-93   2:50a
SAMPLE   MNT      1967 05-25-93   2:50a
YESNO    SCX      6665 05-25-93   2:50a
EDITWHER SPR      5523 05-25-93   2:50a
REPOERRO SPR      6354 05-25-93   2:50a
OPTIONS  SPR     17207 05-25-93   2:50a
CONNECT  SPR     11124 05-25-93   2:50a
WHERE    SCT      3345 05-25-93   2:50a
YESNO    SPR      8431 05-25-93   2:50a
JOIN     SPR     10471 05-25-93   2:50a
ABOUT    SPR      5953 05-25-93   2:50a
HELPCK   SPR      6375 05-25-93   2:50a
MEMTOGEN SPR      5899 05-25-93   2:50a
CONNECT  SCX     10768 05-25-93   2:50a
CONNECT  SCT      4410 05-25-93   2:50a
EDITQUER SCX      5546 05-25-93   2:50a
REPOERRO SCT      1997 05-25-93   2:50a
YESNO    SCT      1671 05-25-93   2:50a
EDITQUER SCT      2063 05-25-93   2:50a
ABOUT    SCX     10395 05-25-93   2:50a
ABOUT    SCT      1694 05-25-93   2:50a
MEMTOGEN SCX      5173 05-25-93   2:50a
ISOLE    PRG      2676 05-25-93   2:50a
HEX2INT  PRG       563 05-25-93   2:50a
MEMTOGEN SCT      2958 05-25-93   2:50a

Disk 2 (ODBC Setup)

Disk Volume: ODBC

SETUP    EXE     24624 05-25-93   2:50a
SETUP    LST       474 05-25-93   2:50a
INSTCAT  SQL     93834 05-25-93   2:50a
ORACLE   TXT     13914 05-25-93   2:50a
ODBC     INF      1937 05-25-93   2:50a
_MSSETUP EX_      7543 05-25-93   2:50a
COMMDLG  DL_     50924 05-25-93   2:50a
CTL3D    DL_      9323 05-25-93   2:50a
DBNMP3   DL_      6530 05-25-93   2:50a
DRVORACL HL_     36234 05-25-93   2:50a
DRVSSRVR HL_     71701 05-25-93   2:50a
ODBC     DL_     25437 05-25-93   2:50a
ODBCADM  EX_      3946 05-25-93   2:50a
ODBCINST DL_     40626 05-25-93   2:50a
ODBCINST HL_     12314 05-25-93   2:50a
ODBCSTP  EX_     13951 05-25-93   2:50a
ORA6WIN  DL_    146233 05-25-93   2:50a
SQLSRVR  DL_    100640 05-25-93   2:50a
SQORA    DL_     84804 05-25-93   2:50a
SQORASTP DL_      6874 05-25-93   2:50a
VER      DL_      6307 05-25-93   2:50a
WINHELP  EX_    163861 05-25-93   2:50a
WINHELP  HL_     23822 05-25-93   2:50a
CD                   0 06-09-93   6:49p

Additional query words: FoxWin FoxDos diskdir 2.50 disk directory diskette install ck
Keywords          : kbsetup FxotherRef 
Version           : 2.50 | 2.50
Platform          : MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: December 11, 1998