ACC1x: SQL Server Triggers and Key Values to and from MS Access

ID: Q91179

The information in this article applies to:


If a Microsoft Access procedure sends a record to a SQL Server to insert into a SQL Server table, and the unique key for the record is created by a trigger on that table, the Microsoft Access procedure will lose reference to the record.


When information is sent to a SQL Server table, Microsoft Access looks at the record and determines a unique key value using the information in that record. When the data is passed to a SQL Server backend to be inserted into a table and a trigger creates a unique key value for the record, Microsoft Access will lose reference to that record because the unique key stored by Microsoft Access is different than the unique key created by the trigger on SQL Server. Until it is queried on using the new unique key value, Microsoft Access views the record just sent to SQL Server as having been deleted.


For more information on SQL Server, search for "SQL Server" using the Microsoft Access Help menu.

Additional query words: XPROD

Keywords          : kbusage OdbcOthr 
Version           : 1.0 1.1
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: March 12, 1999