FoxPro for Windows Cross-Platform Tips and Tricks

ID: Q117350

2.60 WINDOWS kbinterop kbole kbprg

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Cross Platform Code

When designing cross platform applications, much of the same code can be used transparently across platforms. Try to separate this code from platform specific code. Code that involves database operations can usually be generic across platforms. Interface code, on the other hand, can vary across platforms.

Separate platform specific code using IF...ENDIF and DO CASE...ENDCASE structures with platform system variables such as _DOS, _WINDOWS, _MACINTOSH, and _UNIX.

Updating Cross Platform Applications

You can run FoxPro applications transparently on different platforms. However, remember that some changes you make on one platform are not automatically reflected on other platforms. Changes made in one platform do not necessarily update all platforms. For example, if you add a new object to a screen in FoxPro for Windows and recompile the application, that new object will not appear when you run the .APP in FoxPro for MS-DOS. You must open the screen in FoxPro for MS-DOS and rebuild the application. The Transporter dialog appears, showing that new objects were added on another platform and asking if you'd like to make the same changes on this platform.

Transporting Screen Elements

When transporting applications across platforms, you may need to adjust some screens, especially if you are going from a character to graphical environment. If you intend to port Windows applications to MS-DOS, leave extra space in screens because there are more pixels in a graphical environment than there are rows and columns in a character environment. Also, try to use objects available on both platforms. OLE and picture objects cannot be used in FoxPro for MS-DOS.

Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.60 on-line cross-platform xplat x-plat KBCategory: kbinterop kbole kbprg KBSubcategory: FxinteropOle

Keywords          : FxinteropOle 
Version           : 2.60
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: March 19, 1997