PRB: Can't Create Compact .EXE File Because Button Is Disabled

ID: Q114190

The information in this article applies to:


You are unable to create a compact .EXE file because the Compact radio button under the Build Executable radio button is disabled. These options are found in the Select Build Option dialog box, which is presented when Build is chosen from the Project Manager.


When the Distribution Kit was installed, the Stand-Alone EXEs option was not chosen for installation. In order to create a compact .EXE file with FoxPro version 2.6 for MS-DOS, you must select the Stand-Alone EXE option during installation.


Reinstall the Distribution Kit; make sure to select the Stand-Alone EXE option.

Additional reference words: FoxDos DK 2.60 dimmed gray grey unavailable KBCategory: kbprg kbprb KBSubcategory:

Last Reviewed: April 18, 1995