DOCUMENT:Q127732 29-OCT-1999 [pcmail] TITLE :SMTP: Configuring LAN Manager 2.2c MS-DOS Client w/ TCP/IP PRODUCT :Microsoft Mail For PC Networks PROD/VER:MS-DOS:3.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP, version 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP computer requires TCP/IP to be loaded (refer to page 2 of the "Administrator's Guide"). However, it is not required to load any other protocols on the dedicated workstation. Below are the configuration files for a properly configured Microsoft LAN Manager MS-DOS client using only TCP/IP. Boot files ---------- CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\Himem.sys DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS Buffers=15,0 Files=40 DOS=UMB LASTDRIVE=Z DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\LM\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LM DEVICEHIGH /L:1,10000 =C:\LM\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\EXP16\DEPCA.DOS DEVICEHIGH /L:1,4176 =C:\LM\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\TCPIP\TCPDRV.DOS /I:C:\LM DEVICEHIGH /L:2,2624 =C:\LM\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\TCPIP\NEMM.DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT: Prompt=$p$g @REM ==== LANMAN 2.2 ======= SET PATH=C:\LM\NETPROG;c:\;c:\dos;%PATH% LH C:\LM\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\tcpip\ NET START WORKSTATION LOAD TCPIP NET LOGON @REM ==== LANMAN 2.2 ======= LAN Manager Files Found in C:\LM\*.INI -------------------------------------- PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES PRIORITY = TCPIP [TCPIP_XIF] DRIVERNAME = TCPIP$ IPADDRESS0 = 22 100 49 117 SUBNETMASK0 = 255 255 0 0 DEFAULTGATEWAY0 = 22 100 0 1 NBSESSIONS = 2 ; the following two parameters added after documentation was completed TCPSEGMENTSIZE = 1450 TCPWINDOWSIZE = 1450 LOAD = tcptsr[c],tinyrfc[c],emsbfr[cr] UNLOAD = "unloadt /notsr[dc]" BINDINGS = "DEPCA_NIF" LANABASE = 0 FORCEPUSHBIT= 1 [DEPCA_NIF] ; protocol.ini section for the DEC EtherWORKS (MC, LC, Turbo & DEPCA) ; Adapters DriverName = DEPCA$ MaxMulticast = 12 MaxTransmits = 32 AdapterName = DE200 RamAddress = 0xD000 :Interrupt = 3 Interupt = 5 ; for turbo board TCPUTILS.INI [TCPGLOBAL] DRIVERNAME = GLOBAL$ HOSTNAME = LMUSER [SOCKETS] DRIVERNAME = SOCKETS$ BINDINGS = TCPIP_XIF ; the following value changed from 8 to 4 (after documentation was ; complete) NUMSOCKETS = 4 NUMTHREADS = 32 POOLSIZE = 3200 MAXSENDSIZE = 1024 [TELNET] DRIVERNAME = TELNET$ BINDINGS = TCPIP_XIF NSESSIONS = 2 MAX_OUT_SENDS = 0 LANMAN.INI: ;*****************************************************************; ;** Microsoft LAN Manager **; ;** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1992 **; ;*****************************************************************; [networks] netservices = chknet, minses [workstation] wrkservices = encrypt,messenger computername = Mrgateway domain = mydomain othdomains = numdgrambuf = 3 lanroot = C:\LM [netshell] username = SMTPGATE [version] lan_manager = 2.2.c [messenger] [services] chknet = netprog\chknet.exe minses = netprog\minses.exe /n workstation = netprog\netwksta.exe messenger = services\msrv.exe encrypt = services\encrypt.exe Additional query words: MSClient ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbMailSearch kbMailGateSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailGateSMTP300 Version : MS-DOS:3.0 ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.