HOWTO: Using MSMQ C API Inside an MTS Component

ID: Q175725

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This article describes using the Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ) C API from within Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) components written with Visual C++. The two MSMQ transactional operations available are the message Send and Receive operations.

You can include MSMQ Send operations in Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) transactions. This causes the send operation to be either committed or rolled back along with the MTS transaction. As a result, the message is not actually sent until the transaction commits. To include the send operation in a transaction, use the MQ_MTS_TRANSACTION constant in the pTransaction parameter of the MQSendMessage function from within a transactional MTS component. MSMQ enlists the send operation in the MTS transaction. The destination queue must be a transactional queue.

If the MTS component is not participating in a transaction, the send operation described above fails with an MQ_ERROR_TRANSACTION_USAGE error. This is because you cannot send a nontransactional message to a transactional queue. You cannot always predict whether a component will participate in a transaction. The component may be marked as "Does Not Support Transactions" or "Supports Transactions" (in which case it may or may not participate in a transaction). Therefore, it is important to verify that the component is participating in the transaction and to use MQ_MTS_TRANSACTION in the pTransaction parameter of MQSendMessage call to a transactional queue only if it is participating. If it is not participating, use the MQ_NO_TRANSACTION or MQ_SINGLE_MESSAGE constant with the appropriate queue type.

For a local MSMQ transactional queue receive operation, specifying MQ_MTS_TRANSACTION works regardless of whether or not the component is transactional. The receive operation is included in a transaction only if the component is transactional.


The following code demonstrates sending an MSMQ message containing a BSTR from within an MTS component written using ActiveX Template Library (ATL). The MTS context object is used to commit or abort the transaction. The context object's IsInTransaction() method is used to determine whether or not the component is transactional.

   STDMETHODIMP CMsmqSample::MQSend(BSTR bstrSend)
      IObjectContext *pContext = NULL ;  // The MTS context.
      HRESULT Hr  ;

      // The usual MSMQ structures.
      MQMSGPROPS MsgProps ;
      DWORD PropCnt = 0 ;
      MSGPROPID PropIDs[4] ;
      PROPVARIANT  PropVar[4] ;

      QUEUEHANDLE  hQueue = NULL ;
      ITransaction *pTransaction  ;

      // Get the MTS context object.
      Hr = GetObjectContext (&pContext) ;
      if (FAILED (Hr)) throw Hr ;

      // Add code for database updates if needed.

      // Get the queue format name & open the queue.
      WCHAR szwFormatName[256] ;
      DWORD dwFormatNameSize = 256 ;
      Hr = MQPathNameToFormatName (
             &dwFormatNameSize) ;
      if (FAILED (Hr) ) throw Hr ;

      Hr = MQOpenQueue (
             &hQueue) ;
      if (FAILED (Hr) ) throw Hr ;

      // Assemble the message properties.
      PropIDs[PropCnt] = PROPID_M_BODY ;
      PropVar[PropCnt].vt = VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 ;
      PropVar[PropCnt].caub.cElems = (SysStringLen (bstrSend) + 1) *
                                      sizeof (OLECHAR);
      PropVar[PropCnt].caub.pElems = (UCHAR *) bstrSend ;
      PropCnt++ ;

      PropIDs[PropCnt] = PROPID_M_LABEL ;
      PropVar[PropCnt].vt = VT_LPWSTR ;
      PropVar[PropCnt].pwszVal = L"C++ Transactional Message" ;
      PropCnt++ ;

      MsgProps.cProp = PropCnt;      //Number of properties.
      MsgProps.aPropID = PropIDs;    //Id of properties.
      MsgProps.aPropVar = PropVar;   //Value of properties.
      MsgProps.aStatus = NULL;       //Number of error reports.

      // Determine transaction type.
      // Since you are sending to a transactional queue, you must specify
      // MQ_SINGLE_MESSAGE if the object isn't in a transaction.
      pTransaction = MQ_MTS_TRANSACTION ;
      if ( ! pContext -> IsInTransaction () )
         pTransaction = MQ_SINGLE_MESSAGE ;

      // Send the message.
      Hr = MQSendMessage(
              hQueue,            // Handle of queue.
              &MsgProps,         // Message property structure.
              pTransaction) ;    // Transaction type.
      if (FAILED (Hr) ) throw Hr ;
   catch (HRESULT hr)         // A failure occurred.
      if (hQueue != NULL)
         MQCloseQueue (hQueue) ;

      if (pContext != NULL)
         pContext -> SetAbort () ;  // Abort the transaction.
         pContext -> Release () ;
      return hr ;

   MQCloseQueue (hQueue) ;     // Close the queue.
   pContext -> SetComplete () ;  // Commit the transaction.
   pContext -> Release () ;    // Release the context object.

   return S_OK;

The following code demonstrates receiving an MSMQ message containing a BSTR from within an MTS component written using ATL. The MTS context object is used to commit or abort the transaction.

   STDMETHODIMP CMsmqSample::MqReceive(BSTR * pbstrRcvMsg)
      IObjectContext *pContext = NULL ;  // The MTS context.
      HRESULT Hr  ;

      // The usual MSMQ structures.
      MQMSGPROPS MsgProps ;
      DWORD PropCnt = 0 ;
      MSGPROPID PropIDs[4] ;
      PROPVARIANT  PropVar[4] ;

      QUEUEHANDLE  hQueue = NULL ;


      // Get the MTS context object.
      Hr = GetObjectContext (&pContext) ;
      if (FAILED (Hr)) throw Hr ;

      // Add code for database updates if needed.

      // Get the queue format name & open the queue.
      WCHAR szwFormatName[256] ;
      DWORD dwFormatNameSize = 256 ;
      Hr = MQPathNameToFormatName (
             &dwFormatNameSize) ;
      if (FAILED (Hr) ) throw Hr ;

      Hr = MQOpenQueue (
             &hQueue) ;
      if (FAILED (Hr) ) throw Hr ;

      // Assemble the message properties.
      #define MSG_BODY_LEN 500
      WCHAR wcBodyBuffer[MSG_BODY_LEN] = L"";

      PropIDs[PropCnt] = PROPID_M_BODY ;
      PropVar[PropCnt].vt = VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 ;
      PropVar[PropCnt].caub.cElems = sizeof (wcBodyBuffer);
      PropVar[PropCnt].caub.pElems = (UCHAR *)wcBodyBuffer ;
      PropCnt++ ;

      MsgProps.cProp = PropCnt;      //No. of properties.
      MsgProps.aPropID = PropIDs;    //Id of properties.
      MsgProps.aPropVar = PropVar;   //Value of properties.
      MsgProps.aStatus = NULL;       //No. error reports.

      // Receive the message.
      Hr = MQReceiveMessage(
              hQueue,                // Handle of queue.
              0,                     // Timeout.
              MQ_ACTION_RECEIVE,     // Action.
              &MsgProps,             // Message property structure.
              NULL,                  // OVERLAPPED structure.
              NULL,                  // Receive callback.
              NULL,                  // Cursor.
              MQ_MTS_TRANSACTION) ;  // Part of MTS Transaction.

      // For this application, return a blank string if there was no
      // message in the queue.
      if (Hr == MQ_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT)
         *pbstrRcvMsg = SysAllocString (L"") ; // Return empty string.
      else if (FAILED (Hr) )
         throw Hr ;                       // Throw error.
         wcBodyBuffer[MSG_BODY_LEN - 1] = 0 ;
         *pbstrRcvMsg = SysAllocString (wcBodyBuffer) ; // Return message
                                                        // body to caller.
   catch (HRESULT hr)         // A failure occurred.
      if (hQueue != NULL)
         MQCloseQueue (hQueue) ;

      if (pContext != NULL)
         pContext -> SetAbort () ;  // Abort the transaction.
         pContext -> Release () ;
      return hr ;

   MQCloseQueue (hQueue) ;
   pContext -> SetComplete () ;  // Commit the transaction.
   pContext -> Release () ;     //  Release the context object.
   return S_OK;


For more details on using a single queue for send/receive and to avoid queue and component type mismatch, see the following Knowledge Base article:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q174387
   TITLE     : "INFO: Using a Single MSMQ Queue for an MTS Component"

Additional query words: viper falcon
Keywords          : kbcode MQProg MQVC 
Version           : WINNT:1.0,97
Platform          : winnt
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: May 2, 1998