Call To Undefined Dynalink Error After Installing CorelDRAW!

ID: Q160537

The information in this article applies to:


If you install CorelDRAW!, version 5.0 or the Corel CD Office Companion, version 5.0 and then try to start Microsoft Publisher or one of the Microsoft Office programs, you may receive the following error message:

Call to Undefined Dynalink
Alternatively, the program may fail to start without giving any error message.


Early revisions of CorelDRAW!, version 5.0 and the Corel CD Office Companion, version 5.0 replace version 2.02 of the files Compobj.dll and Storage.dll with an older version of these same files (version 2.01).

These Corel products are designed to run primarily under Windows 3.x and are incompatible with the later version of these files. This problem was resolved in revision F of the Corel products.

Microsoft Publisher and the Microsoft Office programs require version 2.02 of Compobj.dll and Storage.dll, which Windows 95 installs.


Restore the newer versions of Compobj.dll and Storage.dll. The steps below assume that your copy of Windows 95 is installed to a folder called C:\Windows. If your copy of Windows 95 is installed to a different folder name or to a different drive, substitute the correct name and drive letter.

  1. Check to see if you have the following folder on your drive:
    This folder contains backup copies of several important Windows files. The versions of Windows 95 that comes pre-installed on some computers does not have this folder. If you do not have this folder, please contact the manufacturer of your computer for instructions on replacing these files.

  2. If you do have a C:\Windows\Sysbckup folder, rename the copies of Compobj.dll and Storage.dll that are in your C:\Windows\System folder to something like Compobj.old and Storage.old.

  3. Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode.

  4. Change to the C:\Windows\Sysbckup folder.

  5. Copy Storage.dll and Compobj.dll to the C:\Windows\System folder.

  6. Restart Windows 95.

Publisher and Office should now run correctly.


For more information on restarting your computer in MS-DOS mode, see the following article here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q138996 Description of Restarting Computer in MS-DOS Mode

Additional query words: 97 4.00 call to undefined dynalink launch start Office 95 OLE DLLs dlls 8.0 7.0 powerpoint excel word winword xl word95 word7 xl7 xl95 xl97

Keywords          : kberrmsg kbdta 
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0,95,97
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: May 26, 1999