README.TXT: Patch 35 for SNA Server 2.0

ID: Q114063

The information in this article applies to:


The following is the readme file that accompanies SNA Server 2.0 patch 35 (sna20.p35):

Note that this article reflects the text of a static document. Therefore, some of the information in this article may be outdated. For example, as of May 20, 1996, Microsoft no longer maintains support forums on CompuServe.


******************* Beginning of Readme ***************************

Product: Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT v2.0 Update: Patch #35 Status: Confirmed

PKZIP 2.04g format -- uncompress using the "-d" option.

Date: March 5, 1994

Modules updated:

\SDK\SAMPLES\MPING\MPINGD.C   02/24/94  05:30a  22927

Bugs fixed:

XXXX Fix to thread handling within CPIC sample application.

The MPINGD.C sample application included with SNA Server was not properly keeping track of child thread handles, so they were not being closed correctly when the child thread ended.

Update Procedure:

- If this sample program is being used as a prototype to support non-queued

  invokable TP behavior on Windows NT, be sure to implement the thread
  handling changes in this updated sample.

*********************** End of Readme *******************************

SNA Server 2.0 patches are located on:

1. Library #2 of the MSSNA Compuserve forum.

2. The Internet server under BUSSYS\SNASRVR\SUP-ED\FIXES\ (supported

   patches) OR on BUSSYS\SNASRVR\UNSUP-ED\FIXES\ (unsupported patches).

Additional query words: prodsna
Keywords          : kbnetwork ntdistrib 
Version           : 2.0
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: April 18, 1997