INF: Replication and SQL Server Versions

ID: Q164517

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This article addresses the interoperability of different SQL Server versions with respect to SQL Server replication. It also explains the compatibility issues with the different service packs for SQL Server versions 6.0 and 6.5. In general, the publication and the distribution servers must be on the same version and same service pack revision. The Readme.txt file that accompanies the service packs will also direct you to apply the service packs on both publication and distribution servers.


SQL Server version 6.0 introduced replication as a built-in feature of the product. Since then, it has been enhanced in SQL Server 6.0 service packs and in the next release of the product, SQL Server 6.5. Due to the various enhancements, replication-related stored procedures, extended stored procedures, and tables have been modified. Because the replication tasks run on the distribution server and depend on the stored procedures and extended stored procedures on the publication server, the publication and distribution servers must be running the same version and service pack revision of SQL Server. Because replication does not use any stored procedures or extended stored procedures on the subscribing server, the subscribing server can run the same or any earlier version or service pack revision of SQL Server.

SQL Server 6.0 Distribution Server

The publication server must be running at least SQL Server version 6.0, and must be running the same service pack revision as the distribution server. For example, if the distribution server is running SQL Server version 6.0 Service Pack 3, the publication server must also be running SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 3. However, The subscribing server can run SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 3 or earlier. Replication to SQL Server version 4.2x, 6.5, or any ODBC data source is not supported with a distribution server running SQL Server 6.0.

SQL Server 6.5 Distribution Server

The publication server must be running at least SQL Server version 6.5 with the same service pack as the distribution server. The subscribing server can be running any version earlier. For example, if the distribution server is running SQL Server version 6.5 Service Pack 2, the publication server must also be running SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 2; the subscribing server can be running any earlier version of SQL Server, including SQL Server 6.0. Replication to SQL Server version 4.2x is not supported. You can also replicate to ODBC subscribers, as explained in the product documentation. For more information about how to do this, please refer to the "Replication to ODBC Subscribers" section of the "What's new for Administrators" chapter in the "What's New in SQL Server 6.5." You cannot use a SQL Server 6.5 distribution server for a SQL Server 6.0 publication server.

Additional query words: SP servpack versioning issues

Keywords          : kbenv kbpolicy kbsetup SSrvAdmin SSrvInst SSrvRep 
Version           : 6.0 6.5
Platform          : 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: April 8, 1999