Determining the Intersection of Two External Ranges in Excel

ID: Q58180

The information in this article applies to:


To find the value at an intersection of two external named ranges, each name in the intersection formula must be preceded by the sheet name.

For example, the name Account is defined as column A on SHEET2.XLS, and Product1 is defined as row 4 on SHEET2.XLS. To display the value at the intersection of these two ranges in cell A1 of Sheet1.XLS, use the following formula:

   =Sheet2.xls!Account Sheet2.xls!Product1 

The space is the intersection operator. If the intersection refers to more than one cell, enter this formula as an array in the appropriate cells (with SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER).

Additional query words: 2.1 2.10 2.10c 2.1c 2.10d 2.1d 3.0

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Last Reviewed: March 15, 1999