HOWTO: Parse a Person's Name into Multiple Variables

ID: Q168799

The information in this article applies to:


This article provides a procedure for parsing a single variable containing a person's name into up to 6 parts:

   Title                (Mr., Ms., etc.)
   First Name
   Middle Initial(s)
   Last Name
   Pedigree             (Jr., Sr., III, etc.)
   Degree(s)            (B.S., PhD, etc.)


WARNING: ANY USE BY YOU OF THE CODE/MACRO PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Microsoft provides this code/macro "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) at the end of a line is used as a line-continuation character. For versions of BASIC that don't support line-continuation characters, remove the underscore from the end of the line and merge with the following line when re-creating this code.

Fields are parsed and removed from the name in the following order:

  Title - (if the first word matches the list of standard titles)
  Degree - (anything after the first comma)
  Pedigree - (if the last word matches the list of standard pedigrees)
  Last Name - (must not contain spaces, but can be hyphenated)
  First Name - (must not contain spaces)
  Middle Initial(s) - (the remainder)

Step-by-Step Example

1. Enter the following code:

      Function CutLastWord (ByVal S As String, Remainder As String) _
          As String
      ' CutLastWord: returns the last word in S.
      ' Remainder: returns the rest.
      ' Words are separated by spaces
      Dim  I As Integer, P As Integer
        S = Trim$(S)
        P = 1
        For I = Len(S) To 1 Step -1
          If Mid$(S, I, 1) = " " Then
            P = I + 1
            Exit For
          End If
        Next I
        If P = 1 Then
          CutLastWord = S
          Remainder = ""
          CutLastWord = Mid$(S, P)
          Remainder = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1))
        End If
      End Function

      Function CutWord (ByVal S As String, Remainder As String) As String
      ' CutWord: returns the first word in S.
      ' Remainder: returns the rest.
      Dim P As Integer
        S = Trim$(S)
        P = InStr(S, " ")
        If P = 0 Then P = Len(S) + 1
        CutWord = Left$(S, P - 1)
        Remainder = Trim$(Mid$(S, P + 1))
      End Function

      Sub ParseName (ByVal S As String, Title As String, FName As String, _
                     MName As String, LName As String, _
                     Pedigree As String, Degree As String)
      Dim Word As String, P As Integer, Found As Integer
      Const Titles = "Mr.Mrs.Ms.Dr.Miss,Sir,Madam,Mayor,President"
      Const Pedigrees = "Jr.Sr.III,IV,VIII,IX,XIII"
        Title = ""
        FName = ""
        MName = ""
        LName = ""
        Pedigree = ""
        Degree = ""
      ' Get Title
        Word = CutWord(S, S)
        If InStr(Titles, Word) Then
          Title = Word
          S = Word & " " & S
        End If
      ' Get Degree
        P = InStr(S, ",")
        If P > 0 Then
          Degree = Trim$(Mid$(S, P + 1))
          S = Trim$(Left$(S, P - 1))
        End If
      ' Get Pedigree
        Word = CutLastWord(S, S)
        If InStr(Pedigrees, Word) Then
          Pedigree = Word
          S = S & " " & Word
        End If
      ' Get the rest
        LName = CutLastWord(S, S)   ' Last Name
        FName = CutWord(S, S)       ' First Name
        MName = Trim(S)             ' Initials/Middle Name(s)
      End Sub

2. To test, create a form with seven text boxes (txtName, txtTitle,
   txtFirstName, txtMI, txtLastName, txtPedigree, txtDegree), and a command
   button. Add the following code:

      Sub Command1_Click()
      Dim Title As String, FName As String, MI As String
      Dim LName As String, Pedigree As String, Degree As String
        ParseName txtName, Title, FName, MI, LName, Pedigree, Degree
        txtTitle = Title
        txtFirstName = FName
        txtMI = MI
        txtLastName = LName
        txtPedigree = Pedigree
        txtDegree = Degree
      End Sub

3. Display the form, type a name into txtName, and click the command
   button. The other six fields should contain the parsed values.

Additional Information

Other notes, limitations, and suggestions for improvement (left to the reader's devices):

1. The parsing routine assumes a comma before the Degree but not before the

   Pedigree. If there is a comma before the Pedigree, it will be included
   as part of the Degree(s). If you want to allow the Pedigree to be
   preceded by a comma, you can add an additional check to see if the first
   word (comma separated) of the Degree is in the list of standard

2. The first and last names are assumed to contain no spaces. If they do
   (e.g. Mary Beth Saint John), part of the name (e.g. Beth Saint) will end
   up in the Middle Initial/Middle Name return value. Unfortunately, due to
   the high variability of this case, there is no good workaround other
   than manual intervention.

3. The parsing routine is designed for English/American names. Other
   languages may have different conventions that may require adjustments to
   the parsing code.

4. The list of standard Titles and Pedigrees may be easily extended by
   adding entries to the two Const declarations in ParseName.

5. The check for Title can be made more generic by looking for a period at
   the end of the first word if it is not already in the list of standard
Keywords          : kbprg kbVBp400 kbVBp500 kbhowto VB4WIN VBKBProgramming VBKBVBA vbwin 
Version           : WINDOWS:1.0 1.1 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 97
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: October 2, 1997