WD98: Writing Macro Code for VBA and WordBasic Branching

ID: Q181394

The information in this article applies to:


This article includes sample Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications code that demonstrates how to determine the version of Word currently installed when using Automation. Based on the version of Word, the code conditionally branches to use WordBasic commands if the version of Word is earlier than Word 97 for Windows or Word 98 Macintosh Edition. If the version of Word returned is equal to or greater than Word 97 for Windows or Word 98 Macintosh Edition, the code branches to use Visual Basic for Applications commands.

You may want to use this conditional branching if you are using more than one version of Word on your computer.


Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:


In the versions of Word listed at the beginning of this article, WordBasic has been replaced with Visual Basic for Applications. For backward compatibility, Visual Basic for Applications contains a WordBasic object. To ensure that the WordBasic command and arguments are positioned correctly, use the Position.hlp file for Word for Windows version 6.x.

NOTE: If your programming language was written to call WordBasic commands, and you are anticipating interacting with the Microsoft Word Visual Basic for Applications language for all future development needs, you should convert your code from WordBasic to Microsoft Word Visual Basic for Applications.

   ' ******************************************************************
   ' MODULE NAME: Coding For WordBasic or Visual Basic Based on Version
   ' ******************************************************************
   Dim oWordWB As Object
   Dim oWordVBA As Object

   ' The GetWordVersion routine creates a WordBasic object. It then
   ' determines the currently installed version of Word.
   ' If the version is earlier than Word 97, it branches to use a
   ' WordBasic Code" routine. If the version is Word 97 or later, it
   ' branches to use a Visual Basic for Applications routine. If Word is
   ' not currently installed, an error is trapped and the program displays
   ' a message and ends.

   Sub GetWordVersion ()

      ' *******************************************************
      ' PURPOSE: To determine the Word version and branch
      '          conditionally based on the version returned.
      ' ARGUMENTS:
      '           oWordWB - WordBasic Object
      ' *******************************************************

      On Error GoTo NoWord
      Set oWOBJ = CreateObject("Word.basic")

      If Val(oWOBJ.AppInfo(2)) < 8 Then

         ' If earlier than version 8, branch to WordBasic code.


         ' If version 8 or later, branch to Visual Basic for
         ' Applications code.

      End If

      If Err <> 0 then
         MsgBox "Word is not installed."
      End If
   End Sub

      Sub UseVBACode ()

         ' *********************************************************
         ' PURPOSE: Used for Visual Basic For Applications commands.
         ' ARGUMENTS:
         '           oWordWB  - WordBasic Object
         '           oWordVBA - Visual Basic for Applications Object
         ' *********************************************************

         ' Close the WordBasic object that was used to determine the
         ' Word version.
         Set oWordWB = Nothing

         ' Create a Word Visual Basic for Applications object.
         Set oWordVBA = CreateObject("Word.Application")

         ' ***********************************************
         ' < Visual Basic For Applications Commands Here >
         ' ***********************************************

         ' When quitting an Automation session with Visual Basic for
         ' Applications, you must use the Quit command in combination with
         ' setting the object to Nothing to clear the instance from memory.
         Set oWordVBA = Nothing

      End Sub

      Sub UseWordBasicCode ()

         ' *************************************
         ' PURPOSE: Used for WordBasic commands.
         ' ARGUMENTS:
         '           oWordWB - WordBasic Object
         ' *************************************

         ' **************************
         ' < WordBasic Commands Here>
         ' **************************

         ' Close the instance of Word.

         ' Clear the object from memory.
         Set oWordWB = Nothing

      End Sub


For more information about getting help with Visual Basic for Applications, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q163435
   TITLE     : VBA: Programming Resources for Visual Basic for

Additional query words:
Keywords          : kbdta kbdtacode OffVBA macword98 
Version           : MACINTOSH:98
Platform          : MACINTOSH
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: April 7, 1999