XL: How to Copy One of Each Record Type to Another Worksheet

ID: Q151344

The information in this article applies to:


Using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Excel, you can copy a single instance of a record type to another worksheet.


Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about the support options available from Microsoft, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:


To illustrate this, in a new workbook on Sheet1, enter the following:

   A1:  Part no.    B1:  Description     C1:  On Hand       D1:  Store
   A2:  10AB        B2:  Nuts            C2:  1             D2:  1
   A3:  11AB        B3:  Bolts           C3:  2             D3:  2
   A4:  10AB        B4:  Nuts            C4:  3             D4:  3
   A5:  12AB        B5:  Nuts            C5:  4             D5:  4
   A6:  11AB        B6:  Bolts           C6:  5             D6:  5

On Sheet2, enter the following:

   A1:  Part no.    B1:  Description     C1:  On Hand       D1:  Store

The following macro searches the "Part no." field and copies each non- duplicate "Part no." to a second worksheet. It copies the first unique "Part no." to Sheet2.

Sample Visual Basic Procedure

Type the following macro in a new module sheet:

   Sub CopyNoDupes()

       ' Selects sheet1.
       ' Selects cell A2.
       ' Turns off screen updating, which helps macro run faster.
       Application.ScreenUpdating = False

       ' Will run the below code until the active cell is blank.
       Do While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
           ' Flag is used to determine whether the record should be pasted
           ' to Sheet2.
           flag = True
           ' The variable value1 is assigned the value in the currently
           ' selected cell, initially cell A2.
           valuea = ActiveCell.Value
           ' Valueb is assigned the value in the cell one column to the
           ' right of the activecell, initially cell B2.
           valueb = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value

           ' Beginaddrs is assigned the address of the activecell.
           beginaddrs = ActiveCell.Address
           ' Endaddrs is assigned the address of the last contiguous cell
           ' of data on the active row.
           endaddrs = ActiveCell.End(xlToRight).Address

           ' Copies the current row's record to Clipboard.
           Range(beginaddrs & ":" & endaddrs).Copy
           ' Selects sheet2.
           ' Selects cell A2.

           ' Determine if the record type has already been copied to
           ' Sheet2.
           Do While ActiveCell.Value <> ""

               ' If valuea, which contains the value from sheet1, equals
               ' the active cell's value in sheet2, and valueb equals
               ' the value in the cell immediately to the right of the
               ' active cell, then do the lines before the Else.
               If valuea = ActiveCell.Value And valueb = _
                   ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value Then

                   ' Flag used in an If statement below. False indicates do
                   ' not paste record.
                   flag = False

                   ' Rowcount is assigned the current number of contiguous
                   ' rows of records.
                   rowcount = Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

                   ' Selects a blank row to exit out of Do While.
                   Range("a" & rowcount).Offset(1, 0).Select


                   ' Otherwise, select next record on Sheet2.
                   ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

               End If

           ' Check next record for a duplicate.

           ' If flag was not set to False in the previous Do While Loop,
           ' for example, record type not in sheet2, then do the lines
           ' before the End If.
           If flag Then

               ' Rowcount is assigned the current number of contiguous rows
               ' of records.
               rowcount = Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

               ' Pastes the new record type after the last record.
               Range("a" & rowcount).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
           End If

           ' Selects sheet1.
           ' Selects the next record on Sheet1.
           Range(beginaddrs).Offset(1, 0).Select

       ' Returns back to first Do While to repeat the above process.

       ' Turns ScreenUpdating back on.
       Application.ScreenUpdating = True

       ' Removes the marquee around last copied record.
       Application.CutCopyMode = False

   End Sub


For more information about the Copy method in Microsoft Excel 97, from the Visual Basic Editor, click the Office Assistant, type "Copy," click Search, and then click to view "Copy Method."

NOTE: If the Assistant is hidden, click the Office Assistant button on the Standard toolbar. If the Assistant is not able to answer your query, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q176476
   TITLE     : OFF: Office Assistant Not Answering Visual Basic Questions

In Microsoft Excel version 7.0, for more information about any of the Visual Basic for Applications commands used in this article, click Help, Contents, Microsoft Visual Basic Excel Reference.

In Microsoft Excel version 5.0, for more information about any of the Visual Basic for Applications commands used in this article, click Help, Contents, Programming with Visual Basic, Programming Language Summary. Click the appropriate letter to look up the command.

Additional query words: 5.00 5.00a 5.00c 7.00 8.00 XL98 XL97 XL7 XL5

Keywords          : kbprg kbdta kbdtacode PgmHowto KbVBA 
Version           : WINDOWS:5.0,7.0,97; MACINTOSH:5.0,98
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: May 18, 1999