XL97: Problems Accessing Microsoft Map Visual Basic Help Files

ID: Q159697

The information in this article applies to:


When you follow the directions for installing the Visual Basic Help files for Microsoft Map, you may not be able to access the information in the Help files.


The directions for installing the Visual Basic Help files for Microsoft Map are incorrect.


To use the Microsoft Map Visual Basic Help files, access them directly from the Microsoft Office compact disc or from the hard disk (if you copied the files from the disc to the hard disk).

Accessing the Help Files from the Microsoft Office Compact Disc

To access the Visual Basic Help information for Microsoft Map directly off from the compact disc, follow these steps:

1. Insert the Microsoft Office compact disc into the CD-ROM drive.

2. In Windows Explorer, locate the Valupack\Morehelp folder on the

   compact disc.

3. Double-click the Vbamap8.hlp file in this folder.

Accessing the Help Files from the Hard Disk

If you followed the directions for installing Visual Basic Help for Microsoft Map, and you want to access this information from the hard disk, do the following:

1. In Windows Explorer, locate the following folder on your hard disk:

   Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Datamap

   NOTE: This is the location in which the directions instruct you to
   copy the files for Visual Basic Help for Microsoft Map.

2. Double-click the Vbamap8.hlp file in this folder.


Displaying the Directions for Installing the Help Files

Assuming you already installed Microsoft Map, the directions for installing Visual Basic Help for Microsoft Map are displayed when you do the following:

1. In the Visual Basic Editor, click References on the Tools menu.

2. In the References dialog box, click the Microsoft Map check box,

   and then click OK.

3. Insert a new module sheet into a project and type "pinmap" (without
   the quotation marks) in the module.

4. Select "pinmap" in the module and press F1.

The "Installing Visual Basic Help for Microsoft Map" Help Topic

The following text appears in the help topic:

Installing Visual Basic Help for Microsoft Map

The Visual Basic Help file for Microsoft Map is located in the ValuPack. To install this Help file, follow these steps:

 1. Quit Help.

 2. Insert the Microsoft Office CD or the stand-alone Microsoft Excel CD.

 3. In the ValuPack folder, double-click the MoreHelp folder.

 4. Select the Vbamap8.hlp and Vbamap8.cnt files.

 5. Copy these two files to c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
    Shared\Datamap on your hard drive.

 6. When asked whether you want to replace the existing versions of these
    files, click Yes.

 7. To update the table of contents and the index so that they include the
    topics in the files you just copied, point to Find on the Start menu,
    and then click Files or Folders.

 8. In the Named box, type *.gid.

 9. In the Look in box, type C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office, and
    then click Find Now.

10. When the file names appear at the bottom of the dialog box, select all
    of them and click Delete on the File menu.

NOTE: If you installed Office or Microsoft Excel from a corporate network, ask your network administrator where the ValuPack files are located. If you installed the application from 3.5-inch disks, the ValuPack isn't included. You can find these files on the Microsoft Web site, however. To do this, point to Microsoft on the Web on the Help menu, and then click Online Support.


For more information about Microsoft Map, click the Index tab in Microsoft Excel Help, type the following text


and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Get more help about maps" topic.

Additional query words: XL97

Keywords          : kbprg kbtool kbdta KbVBA xlhelp 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 8, 1999