BUG: Build w/ Many Include Directories Quits Early w/No Errors

ID: Q136486

The information in this article applies to:


When too much information is passed to the compiler or to the first pass of the compiler, the build quits without completing and generates one of the following:


Reduce the information being passed to the compiler. Either reduce the number of options (such as definitions) or reduce the lengths of the directory path for include files and the project.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

1. Place the VBCHART MFC sample in a subdirectory many levels deep, so

   that the path to the files is 30 to 40 characters long.

2. In the preprocessor section (on the Options menu, click Project and then
   click Compiler), add as many include paths and defines as possible, but
   do not add so many that you get the error about the options string
   being too long.

3. Build VBCHART. An application error is generated.

If you reduce the number of characters in the options by a few and then build the sample, a couple of files are compiled and then it returns with no errors and no warnings. It fails to compile all the files, and the link fails.

A similar but probably unrelated problem occurs when when calling from the command line. If more than 950 characters are passed to pass 1, the compiler fails with an "out of memory" error. If more than 1060 characters are passed, the compiler fails silently (no errors and no warnings).

Additional reference words: GPF exit VWBIss CLIss Keywords : kb16bitonly kbVC150bug kbVC151bug kbVC152bug

Last Reviewed: September 22, 1998