INF: 16-Bit Increased File Handle Libraries Available

ID: Q153388

The information in this article applies to:


Visual C++ allows you to increase the number of file handles that may be open at one time in a program by reassembling the startup source. This requires Microsoft MASM version 6.1. Because many people do not have access to an assembler, Microsoft has made libraries available that will allow users to open more than the standard number of files.

The files listed below are available for download from the Microsoft Software Library (MSL). For information on how to download these files, please see the "Instructions for Downloading" section.


Libraries to Increase the Number of Allowable File Handles


You can download any of these self-extracting files from the following services:

Item ID      Filename           Description
S15023       VC1DXF.EXE         Libraries for Microsoft Visual C++ versions
                                1.0 and 1.5 for MS-DOS
S15024       VC1WXF.EXE         Libraries for Microsoft Visual C++ versions
                                1.0 and 1.5 for Windows EXEs and QuickWin
S15050       VC1LXF.EXE         Libraries for Microsoft Visual C++ versions
                                1.0 and 1.5 for Windows DLLs 
The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services


Each of the .EXE files is a self-extracting archive, containing the following files:

   README.TXT   - File containing instructions on use of these .LIBs
   S40FILE.LIB  - Small model, assembled for 40 handles and streams
   M40FILE.LIB  - Medium model, assembled for 40 handles and streams
   C40FILE.LIB  - Compact model, assembled for 40 handles and streams
   L40FILE.LIB  - Large model, assembled for 40 handles and streams
   S60FILE.LIB  - Small model, assembled for 60 handles and streams
   M60FILE.LIB  - Medium model, assembled for 60 handles and streams
   C60FILE.LIB  - Compact model, assembled for 60 handles and streams
   L60FILE.LIB  - Large model, assembled for 60 handles and streams
   S100FILE.LIB - Small model, assembled for 100 handles and streams
   M100FILE.LIB - Medium model, assembled for 100 handles and streams
   C100FILE.LIB - Compact model, assembled for 100 handles and streams
   L100FILE.LIB - Large model, assembled for 100 handles and streams 
These are not the complete libraries; they are CRT0DAT.OBJ and _FILE.OBJ, which are the two files that must be rebuilt to increase both the number of file handles and streams. The provided README.TXT file contains important information on how to use these libraries.

There is one of these directory structures for small, medium, compact, and large memory models. The use of these .OBJ files is discussed in the README file that comes with the compressed file.

NOTE: Although Microsoft provides the run-time source so changes like this can be made, Microsoft does not support these changes. These files are provided for convenience of Visual C++ users, and are provided without any support.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbfile kbprg kb16bitonly kbCRT kbVC 
Version           : 1.00 1.50 1.51 1.52
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999