New Features In Compaq SSD 1.17

ID: Q142036

The information in this article applies to:


The following is the list of new features for Compaq Support Software Diskette (SSD) version 1.17. This file is available from:

and other download services that Compaq provides.



Features in Windows NT SSD Version 1.17 Rev. B

Windows NT SSD Setup

Added a command option to automatically update existing drivers installed on your system without having to run the GUI SSD setup. Refer to the Refresh Option section in Using the Windows NT SSD Setup Program topic for more help.

Created a CPQSETUP.PDF and CPQREBT.PDF (Package Definition File) for Microsoft SMS to automatically update drivers on a client machine. Refer to the Microsoft SMS Users guide for help and procedures in launching a remote job to clients. Refer to the Refresh Option section in Using the Windows NT SSD Setup Program topic for more help.

Created a new installation file which installs the Compaq Array Configuration Utility which configures the new SMART-2 Array Controller. The utility Files can be obtained from the Support Software CD.

Both Online and Standby Recovery server options now appear in the main list of drivers to install. Whichever driver is already installed will be the option that is highlighted by default.

Compaq NetFlex-2 Driver

Added support to enable or disable either or both ports of the DualPort Token-Ring Controller. This can be done via the Configure button in the Network Control Panel. Refer to the sections Notes on NetFlex and Advanced Registry Parameters for more information.

Fixed a problem where in token-ring, a lobe wire fault was falsely giving a successful completion. The lobe wire fault occurs when the cable is disconnected from the hub and the adapter continues to try to reinsert into the ring. Without having corrected cable connections, after some time the adapter gives a successful insertion into the ring.

Compaq System Management Driver

Fixed a problem where a shutdown was occurring when the option to shutdown was disabled.

Fixed a problem where redundant power supply failures do not cause a CIM agents notification until another health event occurs.

Fixed a problem where getting HAL and HEALTH driver version on an ISA system returned null values.

Compaq Shutdown Driver

Modified for a quicker system restart time of less than 10 seconds.

Features in Windows NT SSD Version 1.17 Rev. A

Compaq Drive Array Driver

New support for the SCSI Managed Array Technology-2 controllers for EISA and PCI systems, referred to as SMART-2/E and /P Controllers.

Compaq 32-Bit SCSI-2 Controllers SCSI Miniport Driver

Fixed a problem where the driver was communicating to a non-existent HAL when being loaded by NTLDR or some other setup loader program.

Added different methods of initialization for PCI controllers depending on what HAL Support is being run.

Compaq NetFlex-3 Driver

Added support to log a message to the event log if the Burned-In-Address or Universal Admin Address is invalid.

Fixed a problem where if on a Token-Ring adapter, the cable was not connected to the adapter interface, the system will hang. This also fixes the problem with the DualPort NetFlex-TR not connected to the adapter interface.

Added support during installation for configuring full duplex on the 100Base-TX module when configured for 10Base-T.

Compaq System Management Driver

[ASCII 183]   Enhanced modifications for improved performance
[ASCII 183]   Added support for new interface to support new products
[ASCII 183]   Increased the number of ECC errors reported from 5 to 20. 

Compaq HAL Support

Fixed a problem where if running a PCI bridged device, any device on the primary bus could be denied IO or Memory resources.

The third-party products are manufactured by Compaq Corporation, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Additional query words: prodnt

Keywords          : ntgeneral 
Version           : 3.50 3.51
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: February 3, 1999