SBFM97: What-If Scenario Name Does Not Appear in Overview

ID: Q165381

The information in this article applies to:


When you open a What-If workbook, the scenario you saved is not listed in the What-If Scenario list of saved scenarios.


This problem occurs when all of the following conditions are true:


To work around this problem, use the following steps:

1. Open the saved What-If workbook.

2. Click a function, such as Profitability.

3. In the dialog box for the function, in the Choose a Category for

   Analysis box, click Product, and then click OK.

   Note that you do not need to make any changes to this page.

4. Click What-If Overview to go back to the Overview page. Save the

   This step updates the analysis with the updated accounting information.
   The saved scenario appears in the What-If Scenario list.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem has been fixed in the updated versions of the Quickbooks driver and Msapp.dll.

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:

 ~ Sbfm97qb.exe (size: 380364 bytes) 

For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q119591
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from
               Online Services


For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q164747
   TITLE     : SBFM97: Error Updating Accounting Data

Additional query words: XL97 8.00 sbfm sbe
Keywords          : kbtool xlsbfm 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 5, 1998