Text Import Wizard Is Displayed Using OPEN?() with Text File

ID: Q118656

5.00 WINDOWS fixlist5.00c

The information in this article applies to:


In Microsoft Excel, when you use the OPEN?() macro function to display the Open dialog box, the Text Import Wizard dialog box appears when you open a text file.


The Text Import Wizard appears when you open a text file to allow you to choose how you want the text file to be displayed. However, this dialog box appears even when you use a macro to display the Open dialog box.

This behavior may interfere with the functionality of your macro if your macro is designed to open and format a text file. This behavior occurs even if you set the Editable argument to TRUE, which is documented as being the same as holding down the SHIFT key while you choose the OK button in the Open dialog box.

Note that the Text Import Wizard does not appear when you open a file using the OPEN() macro function.


To avoid having the Text Import Wizard appear when you open a text file using a macro, do any of the following:


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Excel for Windows version 5.0c.


In Microsoft Excel version 5.0c, you can set value of the Editable argument to true in the OPEN?() function to avoid having the Text Import Wizard appear when you open a text file. The following is an example of using this method:



For more information about OPEN(), choose the Search button in Microsoft Excel Macro Functions Help and type:

   OPEN function

KBCategory: kbprb KBSubcategory:

Additional reference words: 5.00

Version           : 5.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: September 14, 1996