Troubleshooting MS-DOS-Based Programs in Windows NT 4.0

ID: Q165214

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This article describes how to troubleshoot MS-DOS-based program problems in Windows NT 4.0.


Test the Ntvdm Subsystem

The first thing to test when you are having problems with MS-DOS-based programs is the Windows NT Virtual Dos Machine (NTVDM) subsystem. You can use to test whether the NTVDM subsystem is running properly. You can start by performing the following steps:
  1. Click the Start button, and then click Run.

  2. In the Open box, type "" (without quotation marks) and then click OK

This should start a command prompt window. If this does not work properly, there is a problem with the NTVDM subsystem and you should check the following items:

Program-Specific Issues

The following functions do not work in Windows NT: This means that Windows NT does not support 16-bit programs that require unrestricted access to hardware. If your program requires this, it will not work in Windows NT.

You should next check to see if the Autoexec.nt and Config.nt file settings are correct. Always try the default settings listed above. Some programs require special settings or drivers to run in the Config.sys or Autoexec.bat file. If this is the case, there are two options for initializing these files when starting your program: There are other settings in a program's properties. If your program is not working properly, you may want to check all the tabs and make sure that the program settings are set to the manufacturer's specification. If the program is still not working, the vendor of the program should be contacted to see if the program is supported under Windows NT.

For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : MS-DOS Application I/O Operations Cause Floppy Drive Access

TITLE : NTVDM Error: There Is No Disk in the Drive

TITLE : Entries in CONFIG.NT or AUTOEXEC.NT May Cause NTVDM Errors

TITLE : Err: "Hidden Console of WOW VDM" Running 16-bit or DOS App
For additional information about printing in an MS-DOS-based program, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Troubleshooting Printing Problems in Windows NT 4.0

Additional query words: apps msdos application

Keywords          : ntdosap NTSrvWkst 
Version           : WinNT:4.0
Platform          : winnt 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: February 10, 1999