SAMPLE: Passing Ink Between Hedit Controls

ID: Q90485

The information in this article applies to:


To pass ink between hedit controls, an application must capture the ink when the hedit control's parent window receives the HN_ENDREC notification message. Then the application does either of the following:

INK2H is a file that demonstrates capturing ink and using the WM_HEDITCTL message.


The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library:

 ~ INK2H.EXE (size: 21487 bytes) 

For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q119591
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from
               Online Services

The recognizer returns ink in the hpendata field of the RCRESULT structure. Passing ink between hedit controls is more difficult than using a normal device context (DC). Perform the following four steps to save the ink:

1. Perform either of the following:

   a. Specify RCO_SAVEHPENDATA in the lRcOptions field of the RC data

   b. Send the WM_HEDITCTL message to the hedit control with HE_SETINKMODE
      in wParam to begin collecting ink. Send the WM_HEDITCTL message to
      the hedit control with HE_STOPINKMODE to stop collecting ink.

2. When the application receives an HN_ENDREC notification for the source
   hedit control, retrieve the handle to the memory containing the ink.
   (When recognition is complete, the recognizer sends a WM_COMMAND message
   with the HN_ENDREC notification as the high-order word of lParam and the
   ID of the hedit control in wParam.)

3. Use the SendMessage function to send a WM_HEDITCTL message with
   HE_GETINKHANDLE as the value for wParam. If the call is successful, the
   low-order word of the returned value contains a handle to the memory
   containing the ink.

4. Depending on the choice made at step 1 above, perform the corresponding

   a. If the RCO_SAVEHPENDATA flag was set in step 1, Windows will not
      delete the data after all corresponding WM_RCRESULT messages have
      been sent. Therefore, call the DestroyPenData function to delete the
      pen data when an HN_RCRESULT notification is received.

   b. If HE_SETINKMODE is used, call the DuplicatePenData function to save
      the ink into a block of memory allocated by the GlobalAlloc function.

The procedure to place the collected ink into another hedit control is very similar. Send a WM_HEDITCTL message with wParam set to HE_SETINKMODE and the low-order of lParam set to the handle to the memory block containing the ink. Then send a WM_HEDITCTL message with wParam set to HE_STOPINKMODE.

The INK2H sample application demonstrates copying ink between hedit controls using the HE_SETINKMODE and HE_STOPINKMODE values with a WM_HEDITCTL message.

Additional reference words: softlib INK2H.EXE kbfile

Keywords          : kbsample kb16bitonly
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: December 2, 1998