Custom Paper Size Changes to C5 Envelope with HP II or 4

ID: Q120676

The information in this article applies to:


A document with a custom page size of 6.3 by 9.0 inches may change size to "C5 env 162 x 229 mm" when you print the document to a Hewlett-Packard (HP) LaserJet II or 4/4M printer.


Microsoft Word for Windows generally creates custom paper sizes by using the closest page size supported by the printer you are using and adjusting the margins so the text is positioned correctly. When you specify a custom size of 6.2 to 6.5 inches wide by 8.9 to 9.2 inches high, Word selects the C5 envelope size instead of a letter size. When you print the document, Word sends an envelope code to the printer, causing the printer to go off- line and you to be prompted to manually feed a C5 envelope.


Set the document's width to be half an inch larger than the size you want, and increase the margin settings to compensate for the enlarged page. For example, if the document's width is 6.2 inches, and the left and right margins are 1.5 inches, set the document's width to 6.7 inches and its margins to 1.75 inches.

Or, use the SetPrintFlags macro to prevent Word from matching a user- defined page size to a size supported by the printer. The SetPrintFlags macro is located in the MACRO60.DOT template file in the <winword>\MACROS subdirectory. Note that this file is installed only if you performed a complete installation of Word. If you did not perform a complete installation, you can use Word's Setup Maintenance program to install the template.

When the template is installed, follow these steps to run the SetPrintFlags macro:

1. Start Word and then choose Templates from the File menu.

2. In the Global Templates And Add-ins box, choose the Add button.

3. In the File Name box, select MACRO60.DOT and then choose the OK

   button. Note that this file is usually located in the <winword>\MACROS

4. Choose the OK button.

5. From the Tools menu, choose Macro.

6. In the Macros Available In box, select MACRO60.DOT.

7. In the Macro Name box, select SetPrintFlags, and then choose the

   Run button.

8. In the Set Printer Flags dialog box, select the "Disable paper
   size and tray handling" check box, and then choose OK.

9. When you are prompted "Do you want to replace current settings with
   these options?" choose Yes.

NOTE: To return the printer to default behavior, run the SetPrintFlags macro again and choose the Default button.


The "Disable paper size and tray handling" option disables all the Word Page Setup Paper Source options except Default Tray (Auto Select). When this option is selected, Word will not match a paper size to an envelope setting. If the HP LaserJet 4 MP tray is configured for letter-size paper, the paper for the document will be pulled from that tray. If you have the custom paper loaded in the MP tray, the document will be printed correctly. If the MP tray is configured for another page size, the printer may choose another paper source (such as the letter cassette) and the document may be printed on the wrong part of the paper.


"HP LaserJet 4 User's Guide"

"HP LaserJet 4 Envelope Feeder User's Guide"

KBCategory: KBSubcategory: kbmacro Additional reference words: 6.0 6.0a winword hp 4 incorrect winword word6 6.0c

Keywords          : kbmacro kbprint
Version           : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 5, 1998