Odd Behavior in Wizards/Templates After Installing IA

ID: Q129611

The information in this article applies to:


When you enter text into documents based on form templates such as the Invoice and Purchase Order templates (INVOICE.DOT and PURCHORD.DOT) or the Fax Wizard, the document's protection status changes. In some cases, the document becomes unprotected. In other cases, the document becomes protected for revisions, and your text appears underlined, in color, or with revision bars in the margin.

This behavior will also occur with add-in templates, such as those installed with Word Assistant or Office Assistant, or other third-party templates or wizard add-ins.

For additional information on how Internet Assistant affects the protection status of non-HTML documents, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q129554
   TITLE     : Document's Protection Status Changes After IA Installation


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word, versions 1.0 and 1.0z. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Use one of the following methods to prevent your document's protection status from changing:

Method 1: Disable the WORDHTML.WLL file. To do this, choose Templates from

          the File menu. In the Global Templates and Add-ins list, clear
          the WORDHTML.WLL check box, and then choose OK.

Method 2: Temporarily move the WORDHTML.WLL file from the <WINWORD>\STARTUP
          subdirectory to another directory (for example, to C:\WINWORD),
          and then restart Word.

Method 3: Start Word with the /a switch. To do this, in Windows Program
          Manager, locate and single-click the Microsoft Word icon (which
          is typically found in the Microsoft Office group). From the File
          menu, choose Properties. Position your insertion point at the end
          of the Command line and add the /a switch. The command line
          should look similar to the following:

             c:\winword\winword.exe /a

          The drawback to this method is that your default NORMAL.DOT
          template will not be loaded, and you will not have access to the
          following items that you created: macros, toolbars, shortcut key
          assignments, styles, AutoText, and AutoCorrect entries.

          Note: Be sure to remove this switch and restart Word to use
          Internet Assistant or your Normal template.

KBCategory: kbusage buglist1.0 buglist1.0z KBSubcategory: kbtemplate s Additional query words: 6.0a 6.0c winword 1.0 1.0z iaword internet assistant purchase order weekly time sheet fax wizard purchord invoice word6 forms revisions protection protected unprotect unprotected formfield ia form field
Keywords          : kbtemplate kbwdinternet kbform 
Version           : 1.0 1.0z
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: March 27, 1998