WD: WordBasic Macro to Count Number of Rows in a Table

ID: Q82085

The information in this article applies to:


There is no automatic feature in Microsoft Word to return the number of records in a table; however, you can create a simple macro to display this information on the status bar.


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The WordBasic function SelInfo allows you to display the number of rows within a table. The syntax for the SelInfo function is as follows:

For this example, "Type" is set to "15" (without the quotation marks). Type 15 is the value used to return the number of rows in a table.

For more information on SelInfo, refer to pages 277-278 of "Using WordBasic," by WexTech Systems and Microsoft.

To create a macro to display the number of rows within a table, follow these steps:
  1. On the Tools menu, click Macro. Type a name in the Macro Name box, and click Create.

    NOTE: Macro names cannot contain spaces.

  2. Below the SubMain line, type "Print SelInfo(15)" (without the quotation marks).

  3. On the File menu, click Save All. Click Yes in response to the prompt "Save Global Glossary and Command Changes?"

  4. On the File menu, click Close.

  5. Position the insertion point anywhere within your table. On the Tools menu, click Macro. Select your macro, and click Run.

The number of rows in the table should display on the left side of the status bar.

For information about how to do this in Word 97, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q159029 WD97: Macro to Count Number of Rows in a Table


"Using WordBasic," by WexTech Systems and Microsoft, pages 277-278

Additional query words: winword2

Keywords          : kbdta wordnt winword ntword macword kbtable word6 word7 word95 
Version           : MACINTOSH:6.0,6.0.1; WINDOWS:2.0,2.0a,2.0a-CD,2.0b,2.0c,6.0,6.0a,6.0c,7.0,7.0a; winnt:6.0
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS winnt 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: July 13, 1999