WD6X: List of Confirmed Bugs in Word for Macintosh Version 6.0

ID: Q126254

The information in this article applies to:


This article contains the list of documented issues in Word 6.0 for the Macintosh. The list references each issue by the title and identification number (Q number) of the Microsoft Knowledge Base article that addresses the problem in detail. In addition, the list includes the first few lines of the Symptoms or Summary section of each article. For more information about a specific issue, query on the Q number for the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.


Q117771    Section Formatting Not Read from Word Settings (5)

When you open the Word Settings (5) file in Word 6.0, default settings made in Word 5.x's Section dialog are not merged.

Q118454    OPTION+TAB Does Not Insert Tab in "Labels and Envelopes"

Word for the Macintosh does not insert a tab character in any of the following dialog boxes when you press OPTION+TAB: By contrast, Word inserts a tab character as expected when you press OPTION+TAB in a table.

Q118632    Cannot Sort Single-Column Framed Table

Word for the Macintosh does not sort items in a single-column, framed table if only the frame is selected. By contrast, Word correctly sorts the items in a framed table that contains two or more columns.

Q118776    Customized User Options Location Is Ignored

Word ignores the file location you specify for User Options. (To locate this item, from the Tools menu, choose Options, then choose the File Locations tab.)

In addition, you cannot modify the file location by running the ToolsAdvancedSettings command to override the Word Settings (6) file location. (To locate this command, choose Macro from the Tools menu. From the Macros Available In list, select Word Commands. ToolsAdvancedSettings will appear in the Macro Names list.)

Q118833    Space Inserted/Lost When Text is Cut/Pasted

Certain actions insert or delete a space unexpectedly when Smart Cut And Paste is activated.

Q118836    Invalid Field Name Can Be Added to Word Data Source

When you choose the Manage Fields button on the Database toolbar when you set up a mail merge data file, Word allows you to enter invalid field names. These invalid field names are converted to valid field names. Conversely, Word does not allow you to add invalid field names when you use the Create Data Source dialog box.

Q118844    Ampersand in Filename Not Included When Filename Added to

When you add a filename that contains an ampersand to a menu in Word 6.0, the ampersand does not appear. For example, a file named "Jack&Jill" will appear as "JackJill" on the menu.

Q118900    Space Added Before Number After Pasting to Text

When you paste a numbered list as unformatted text (using the Paste Special command on the Edit menu), a space appears before numbers greater than 1, but the space does not appear before the first item, as in the following example:

1. Apples

 2. Oranges
 3. Bananas
 4. Grapes

Q119027    Word Saves Normal Document Template in Word Program Folder

Word for the Macintosh may save your Normal Document Template on the desktop instead of in your Templates folder. This problem occurs if you move the Word application program to the desktop or to a different folder from the folder where Word Setup installed it and if you specify no User Templates setting (to locate this setting, choose Options from the Tools menu, choose the File Locations tab). When you do this, Word cannot find your existing Normal Document Template and creates a new one in the folder where you moved your Word application program.

Q119031    Balloon Help Flashes with Mouse Pointer over Toolbar Buttons

In Word for the Macintosh, when Apple System 7 Balloon Help is activated, the Balloon Help may flash or blink repeatedly until you move the mouse pointer to another location.

Q119078    Scroll Box Still Moves, Even with Screen Updating Disabled

If you turn off screen updating in your Word for the Macintosh macro using the WordBasic ScreenUpdating statement, the scroll box may still move along the scroll bar. In other words, the ScreenUpdating statement does not prevent display changes on the scroll bar.

Q119288    In MacWord 6.0, Name Not Selected in Edit AutoText Dialog Box

In Word for the Macintosh, when you select some text and then choose AutoText from the Edit menu, the text appears in the Name box, but it is not selected.

Q119300    Clicking in Text Box Doesn't Activate Custom Mark (Footnote)

When you choose Footnote from the Insert menu, clicking in the Custom Mark text box does not activate this option.

Q119463    Symbol Character Pastes as Different Character in

When you paste a symbol character into the Find or Replace dialog box, the symbol may appear as a different character from the one you copied. This behavior occurs when you paste symbols that were created by choosing Symbol from the Insert menu. If you preview the Clipboard's contents or paste the symbol to another document, it appears correctly.

Q120101    Cannot Remove or Delete Font After Running MacWord Setup

After you run Setup to install Word for the Macintosh, the System may be unable to delete or remove the fonts you installed. If you try to delete a font, the following error message may occur:

   An unexpected error of type -39 occurred.

Q120102    Portions of Help Window Appear on Screen in MacWord Document

If Word for the Macintosh online Help is running on top of the other windows on your desktop, portions of the Help window may appear as "garbage" in your Word document window. This usually happens after you close the File Open or File Save As dialog boxes in Word.

Q120107    Word Unexpectedly Quits While Modifying AutoCorrect Entry

When you add or modify an AutoCorrect entry, Word for the Macintosh unexpectedly quits (in other words, the application closes).

Q120232    Word Unexpectedly Quits While Modifying Font Name

When you modify a font name, Word for the Macintosh unexpectedly quits (that is, the application closes) or hangs (stop responding).

Q120234    Tall Adjusted and 50-Percent Reduction Not Available in Word

When you use the ImageWriter driver, the Tall Adjusted and 50% Reduction options are not available (are dimmed) in the Special Effects section of the Page Setup dialog box.

Q120235    Changing to Landscape Orientation Causes Short Pause

In Word 6.0 for the Macintosh, changing to landscape orientation in the Page Setup dialog box may cause a short pause to occur before you get control back (that is, get a blinking cursor).

This pause can also occur when you open a document that has a section in landscape orientation. Also, the pause can become longer and is directly proportional to the number of fonts you have installed on your machine.

Q120352    Word Doesn't Print in Best Quality from ImageWriter

When you print in Best Quality from an Apple ImageWriter from Word 6.0 for the Macintosh, the resulting output will actually be that of the Faster mode.

Q120786    Insertion Point Positions Left of Inserted Fields

When you insert one of the following fields into your Word document, the insertion point will be incorrectly positioned to the left of the field:

   =          IF             MERGEFIELD     SET
   AUTOTEXT   INDEX          PAGEREF        TOA
   COMPARE    INFO           REF
   DATABASE   LINK           SEQ

Q120879    Help for Fields Incorrectly Displays Word Help Contents

When you use the Help key (F1) to access context-sensitive help for the following inserted fields, the Word Help Contents screen is displayed instead of the context help screen:

   PRIVATE        TC
   RD             XE

Q121239    Edit Replace Menu Is Missing Hot-Key Accelerator Underlines

When you choose Replace from the Edit menu in Microsoft Word for the Macintosh and try to use the hot-key underline accelerators, some of these designators are missing.

Q121699    MS Excel Worksheet Data Source Saves as MacWord Document

If you use a Microsoft Excel worksheet as a mail merge data source, Word saves the worksheet in Word document format if you choose Yes when Word prompts you to save the data source. In other words, Word overwrites the Microsoft Excel worksheet with a Word document if you choose Yes in response to the following message:

   <Document Name> is a mail merge main document that is attached
   to a data source <Worksheet Name> that has not been saved. Do
   you want to save <Worksheet Name>?

Q121700    Word Hangs Inserting Caption with Revision Marking Turned On

An hourglass pointer may appear and persist, and Word may appear to hang (stop responding) when you insert a caption if revision marks are turned on. (To insert a caption, choose Caption from the Insert menu. To turn on revision marks, choose Revisions from the Tools menu and select the Mark Revisions While Editing check box.)

Q121702   Converting MacWord 5.1 Settings File Resets SHIFT+RETURN

If you use the instructions in the "Settings Files from Word for the Macintosh" section on page 219 of "Microsoft Word User's Guide" (Word for the Macintosh edition, part number WB60460-0794) to convert your Word 5.1 settings file, Word for the Macintosh incorrectly reassigns the SHIFT+RETURN. When you press SHIFT+RETURN after merging your Word 5.1 settings file, Word inserts a page break instead of a line break. In other words, Word assigns SHIFT+ENTER functionality to the SHIFT+RETURN key combination.

Q121711    Envelopes Print Incorrectly to Some LaserWriters

Envelopes may print incorrectly to a LaserWriter Select 300. The line spacing of the return and destination addresses text may be incorrect; text may be truncated or overlap. The Manual Feed option does not work correctly, which causes a regular sheet of paper to be printed.

Q121795    Section Layout Formatting Not Applied Properly

In Word 6.0 for the Macintosh, Continuous section breaks can sometimes become formatted as New Page section breaks. This problem occurs if your cursor is in a section that is formatted as Continuous and you click OK to close the Layout tab of the Document Layout dialog box.

In addition, you may be unable to change the Section Start properties from New Page to a Continuous Section Start on the Layout tab of the Document Layout dialog box.

Another related problem occurs when you apply a different Section Start property to a particular section--this formatting may also be applied to the section directly following the intended section.

Q121844    Scrolling is Slow in Some Word for the Macintosh Documents

In Word for the Macintosh, it sometimes takes a long time to scroll through a document. By comparison to Word 5.1a for the Macintosh, it may take up to twice as long to scroll through a document.

Q122238    Printer Won't Pull Envelope from Envelope Feeder w/Word

With Word 6.0 for the Macintosh, you cannot print envelopes directly from the Envelope dialog box to the Hewlett-Packard (HP) LaserJets (4M, 4M+, 4Si MX, 4MV, and IIISi) or the LaserWriter Pro 600 or 630 optional envelope feeder. (To locate the Envelope dialog box, choose Envelopes And Labels from the Tools menu, and select the Envelopes tab.)

Q122372    Cannot Paste Framed Graphic from Word into Another Application

Sometimes you cannot paste a graphic you copied from Microsoft Word into another application (such as Microsoft Excel).

Q122379    Error Saving Document: "Network Or File Permission Error..."

When you are working over a network and you save a document in Word, the following error message is displayed:

   There has been a network or file permission error.
   The network connection may be lost. <FILENAME.DOC>

Q122501    Word Hangs When Launched with Corrupt Fonts

When starting Microsoft Word, you receive a System Error or a Type 1 error and your machine may hang (stop responding).

Q122506    Incomplete Top Paragraph Border Below Indented Paragraph

When you apply a box border to two or more paragraphs where the first paragraph has a left and right indent and the second paragraph has no indent, the top border over the second paragraph does not display or print correctly. The indented paragraph has a box border around it. Multiple paragraphs with the same indentation do not exhibit this behavior.

Q122548    "Cannot Print" Error If LaserWriter 8 Preferences File

If your LaserWriter 8 Preferences file is deleted or missing when you choose Print from the File menu in Word for the Macintosh, the following error message occurs:

   Word cannot print. Please select a printer from the Chooser.

Q122560    Numeric Keypad Not Working After Merging Word Settings (5)

After you merged the Word Settings (5) file into the Normal template in Word 6.0, only the 5 key on the numeric keypad works.

Q122567    Default Font Not Shown in the Envelopes And Labels Dialog Box

When the default font is something other than Times New Roman, the text in the Envelopes And Labels dialog box under the Labels tab still displays in Times New Roman.

Q122684    MacWord 6.0: Form Field Help Text Disappears After Choosing

In the Form Field Help Text dialog box, under either the Status Bar or the Help Key tab, Word for the Macintosh does not automatically select the Type Your Own option when you type something in the Type Your Own box. The None option remains selected. As a result, any Help text you type is lost if you choose OK unless you manually select the Type Your Own option.

Q122685    MacWord Graphic Frames Shorter When Displayed in WinWord

If you convert a Word for the Macintosh document that contains a graphic to Word for Windows format, the graphic image may appear slightly shorter in Word for Windows, both on the screen and when you print it.

Q122697    Can't Type in Document After Running Find or Replace Command

If you run the Find or Replace commands from the Edit menu and then close the Edit Find or Edit Replace dialog box, you may be unable to type in your Word for the Macintosh document. To reactivate the document window so you can type in it, you must click the mouse in the document window.

Q122698    Reverse Print Order Doesn't Work with HP DeskWriter

Word for the Macintosh may fail to print in reverse order to the Hewlett-Packard (HP) DeskWriter, even though you turned on the Reverse Print Order option in Word. (To locate the Reverse Print Order option, choose Options from the Tools menu, and select the Print tab.)

Q122756    Bold Underlines Print Thicker on Color Quickdraw Printers

Underlining that is also formatted as bold prints thicker than underlining that is not formatted as bold. This behavior occurs when you print to a Color Quickdraw printer. By contrast, when you print to a PostScript printer, the underline thickness will appear the same whether the bold formatting has been applied or not.

Q122834    Duplicate Menu Items Converting Word 5.x Commands to Word 6.0

If you open your Word Settings (5) file in Word 6.0 for the Macintosh and save the settings as a new Word 6.0 template [named Word Settings (5) Template], some of your Word 6.0 menus may contain duplicate commands.

Q122843    MacWord Converts Side-by-Side Paragraphs Break Across Pages 

Word 6.0 for the Macintosh converts text that has been formatted as side-by- side paragraphs in earlier versions of Word for the Macintosh into a table with the "Allow Row to Break Across Pages" option turned on. (To locate this option, choose Cell Height And Width from the Table menu, and select the Row tab.)

Q122844    "Bad Parameter" Error Using Resume Wizard

When running the Resume Wizard, you may receive the following error message, which causes the wizard to halt:

   WordBasic Err=24
   Bad Parameter

Q122996    File Sharing Prevents Macros from Deleting Folders

If you run a macro to delete a folder while File Sharing is enabled, you will receive the following error:

   WordBasic err=102
   Command Failed

You will not be able to delete the folder. (To locate the File Sharing option, see the "Workaround" section below.)

Q123054    MacWord 4.0 Font Names Convert to Numbers in Word 6.0 

When you open a Word 4.0 for the Macintosh document in Word 6.0 for Windows or Word 6.0 for the Macintosh, font names appear in Word 6.0 as the text string "Fontxxxx" where "xxxx" is a number. For example, Arial from a Word 4.0 for the Macintosh document might appear in Word 6.0 as:


Q123098    Drag-and-Drop Pointer Does Not Change to Prohibit Pointer

In Word for the Macintosh, the drag-and-drop mouse pointer may not change to a prohibit pointer (a slashed circle) when you drag into an area where you cannot drop text.

Q123112    MacWord 5.x Non-Hidden Index Entry Text Lost in Word 6.0 

When a Word 5.x for the Macintosh document contains an index entry in which a portion of the actual index entry text is formatted as hidden, the remaining non-hidden portion of the index entry may not appear as normal body text when the document is opened in Word 6.0.

Q123209    COMMAND+OPTION+PLUS SIGN Mouse Pointer Changes Back to Arrow

When you use the COMMAND+OPTION+PLUS SIGN key combination to customize your Word for the Macintosh menus, the mouse pointer changes to a bold plus sign (+). However, when you move the pointer over a dialog box, the plus sign pointer changes back to an arrow pointer. Similarly, if the pointer is in a dialog box, the pointer may not change to a plus sign, or it may change back to an arrow as soon as you move the mouse.

Q124806    Word Quits When You Convert 5.1 Settings File Under GX

If you try to convert a Word 5.1 Settings file on an Apple Macintosh with QuickDraw GX installed, Word 6.0 unexpectedly quits.

Q124885    DeskWriter Preview Button Causes Envelope to Print

When you print an envelope created with the Envelopes And Labels dialog box and you choose the DeskWriter's Preview button, no preview image of the envelope appears. Instead, choosing this button causes the envelope to print.

This problem does not occur when you add the envelope to the document.

Q125177    Borders and Shading Don't Appear on Printout

Some paragraph shading and table borders don't print, even though they appear on screen.

Q125247    Blank Fields in Data Source Slows Down Mail Merge

You will experience a decrease in performance during a mail merge when your data source contains blank fields. This behavior is most noticeable when you are working in the Data Form (choose the Edit Data Source button on the Mail Merge toolbar) or when you choose the View Merged Data button on the Mail Merge toolbar.

Additional query words: complete problem problems bug bugs

Keywords          : macword 
Version           : MACINTOSH:6.0
Platform          : MACINTOSH

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998