Word Assistant Setup Fails, Cannot Find WINWORD.EXE

ID: Q110229

The information in this article applies to:


When you run Word Assistant Setup, the following error message occurs:

   Microsoft Word Assistant requires Microsoft Word
   version 6.0, which Setup cannot find on your
   computer. Install Microsoft Word version 6.0, and
   then run Setup again.



If your Word 6.0 program file is named something other than WINWORD.EXE, rename it WINWORD.EXE and rerun Word Assistant Setup.

If your WINWORD6.INI file is missing or damaged, Word 6.0 generates a new WINWORD6.INI file that contains only the following two lines:

   [Microsoft Word]

To install Word Assistant, add the following line to the [Microsoft Word] section of WINWORD6.INI:

   PROGRAMDIR=C:\<Word 6.0 Program Directory>

For example, if your Word 6.0 program directory is C:\WINWORD, your modified WINWORD6.INI file should contain the following information:

   [Microsoft Word]

Note: To completely reconstruct your WINWORD6.INI file, rerun Word 6.0 Setup.


If the problem persists after you perform all the procedures in the "Workaround" section above, you may have a general Setup problem. For information on troubleshooting such problems, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    and troubleshooting and problems and word6

KBCategory: KBSubcategory: kbtemplate Additional query words: 6.0 6.0a winword word6
Keywords          : kbole kbsetup kbtemplate 
Version           : 6.0 6.0a
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 7, 1998