Word Templates Don't Match "Quick Results" Documentation

ID: Q115266

6.00 6.00a WINDOWS kbusage kbdocerr

The information in this article applies to:


Documentation for 24 of the 27 Word 6.0/6.0a templates is provided in the "Quick Results" manual. However, the documentation may not match the actual supplied template.

The documentation shows what you can accomplish with the supplied templates. To see an example that you can use as the basis for your document, open a new document based on one of these templates, choose AutoText from the Edit menu, select Gallery Example, and choose Insert.


Templates That Appear Blank

The following templates do not match the supplied documentation and appear blank. These templates were intentionally left with no boilerplate text to allow you to more freely design your document. See the Gallery Example AutoText entry for an example.

   Template       Filename
   --------       --------

   Brochur1       BROCHUR1.DOT
   Directr1       DIRECTR1.DOT
   Manual1        MANUAL1.DOT
   Manuscr1       MANUSCR1.DOT
   Manuscr2       does not exist
   Manuscr3       MANUSCR3.DOT
   Present1       PRESENT1.DOT
   Report1        REPORT1.DOT
   Report2        REPORT2.DOT
   Report3        REPORT3.DOT
   Thesis1        THESIS1.DOT

Templates That Have Boilerplate Text

The following templates do not match the supplied documentation and contain boilerplate text. See the Gallery Example AutoText entry for an example.

   Template       Filename
   --------       --------

   Faxcovr1       FAXCOVR1.DOT
   Faxcovr2       FAXCOVR2.DOT
   Letter1        LETTER1.DOT
   Letter2        LETTER2.DOT
   Letter3        LETTER3.DOT
   Memo1          MEMO1.DOT
   Memo2          MEMO2.DOT
   Memo3          MEMO3.DOT
   Presrel1       PRESREL1.DOT
   Presrel2       PRESREL2.DOT
   Presrel3       PRESREL3.DOT
   Resume1        RESUME1.DOT
   Resume2        RESUME2.DOT
   Resume4        RESUME4.DOT

Templates Not Covered by Documentation

The following templates have boilerplate text but have no Gallery Example AutoText entries.

   Template       Filename
   --------       --------

   Invoice        INVOICE.DOT
   Purchord       PURCHORD.DOT
   Weektime       WEEKTIME.DOT


Microsoft Word "Quick Results," version 6.0, Chapter 5, "Wizards, Templates and Business Letters"

KBCategory: kbusage kbdocerr KBSubcategory: kbtemplate Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a blank incorrect brochure directory winword fax invoice letter manual manuscript memo presentation press word6 release purchase order report resume thesis weekly time docerr documentation error

Keywords          : kbtemplate 
Version           : 6.00 6.00a
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1998