XL7: Error Message "There is no disk in the drive..."

ID: Q151104

7.00 WINDOWS kbusage kberrmsg

The information in this article applies to:


When you open a Microsoft Excel version 7.0 file in Microsoft Windows NT you may receive the following error message:

   There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into
   drive <drive letter>

where <drive letter> is a logical CD-ROM drive. If you click Retry or Ignore several times the workbook will eventually open.


This error message is caused by a reference to a file or library that is no longer valid.


To work around this behavior, either have a CD-ROM in the drive or remove the references to the missing workbooks. To remove the references, do the following:

1. Select a Visual Basic module sheet.

2. On the Tools menu, click References.

3. Click to clear any references that have the word "MISSING:" before the

   name of the reference, for example:

      MISSING: Summary.xls

KBCategory: kbusage kberrmsg KBSubcategory:

Additional reference words: 7.00

Version           : 7.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: September 15, 1996