DOCUMENT:Q155197 28-JUL-2002 [winnt] TITLE :HOWTO: Unattended Setup Parameters for Unattend.txt File PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT PROD/VER:: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbenv kbOPK kbSBKkbfaq ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT Workstation - Microsoft Windows NT Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= Unattended Setup is the method by which original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), corporations, and other users install Windows NT in unattended mode. To start Windows NT Setup in unattended mode, you must specify the following command: winnt[32] /u: /s: where is a file containing information to automate the installation process and is the location of the Windows NT installation files. In this article, is referred to as the Unattend.txt file. MORE INFORMATION ================ Unattend.txt File Format ------------------------ In general, an answer file consists of section headers, parameters, and values for those parameters. Most of the section headers are predefined (although some may be user-defined). It is not necessary to specify all the possible parameters and keys in the Unattend.txt file if the installation does not require them. The file format is as follows: [section1] ; ; Section contains keys and the corresponding ; values for those keys/parameters. ; keys and values are separated by "=" signs ; Values usually require double quotes "" around them ; key = value . . [section2] key = value . . Description of Unattend.txt File Parameters ------------------------------------------- [Unattended] This section header is used to identify whether an unattended installation is being performed or not. It should exist or the Unattend.txt file may be ignored. Parameters that can exist in this section are discussed below. OemPreinstall Value: Yes | No Determines whether an OEM pre-installation is being performed or not. When the value is Yes, other subdirectories may be copied if they exist. No means a regular unattended Setup is being performed copying only the Inetsrv, System32 and Drvlib.nic subdirectories. If using sysdiff and you performed a sysdiff /inf, this value must be set to Yes. NoWaitAfterTextMode Value: 0 | 1 This key determines whether the text mode portion of Setup should automatically start into GUI mode or not. It is only valid when OemPreinstall = Yes. The default behavior is to halt after text mode during a preinstallation. 0 indicates that Setup should halt after text mode and 1 indicates that Setup should automatically restart into GUI mode after text mode is complete. NoWaitAfterGuiMode Value: 0 | 1 This key determines whether the GUI mode portion of Setup should automatically restart to the logon screen or not. It is only valid when OemPreinstall = Yes. The default behavior is to halt at the end of GUI mode Setup. 0 indicates that Setup should halt after GUI mode and 1 indicates that Setup should automatically reboot after GUI mode is complete. FileSystem Value: ConvertNTFS | LeaveAlone This key specifies whether the primary partition should be converted to NTFS or left alone. In general, partitions greater than 512 megabyte (MB) should be converted to NTFS. If this value is set to "CovertNTFS" it is done after the first restart of unattended setup. ExtendOemPartition Value: 0 | 1 The ExtendOemPartition key is used to install Windows NT on a disk that is larger than 2 gigabytes (GB) in size. This key causes text-mode Setup to extend the partition on which the temporary Windows NT sources are located into any available unpartitioned space that physically follows it on the disk. The temporary install source must be a primary partition and limited to 1024 cylinders only. Writing beyond the 1024th cylinder may cause the installation to stop responding. 0 implies that the partition may not be extended and 1 indicates that it must be extended. When the value is 1, the FileSystem key must be set to ConvertNTFS. When the value is set to 1, oempreinstall must be equal to yes. For example if you have a 10 GB hard disk, most MS-DOS based partitioning tools only allow you to create a 2GB partition. When you have this value set to "1", setup extends the drive out to the maximum of 7.8GB. This is based on how the drive is translated by the system / controller BIOS, and may be less than the maximum of 7.8GB. If the drive is being translated using CHS values of 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors per track, then you can extend to volume to the 7.8GB limit, however, if the Sectors per track is only 32, the maximum partition size will be reduced in half or approximately 4GB. The same holds true if the number if heads is reduced. Make sure you have drive translation "enabled" in the system/controller bios to make sure you can grow the partition to the maximum permitted size of 7.8GB. ConfirmHardware Value: Yes | No This key determines whether a user should manually confirm hardware and mass storage devices detected by the Setup program. Yes indicates that a user must manually confirm the hardware detected and No implies Setup should install the detected devices. For a complete unattended installation, this key should be set to No. NtUpgrade Values: Yes | No | Manual | Single This key determines whether a previous version of Windows NT Workstation or Server should be upgraded or not. It should be set in order to perform an upgrade. Yes indicates that the detected Windows NT installation should be upgraded. If multiple installations are detected, the first installation found is upgraded. No implies that the upgrade should be aborted if a Windows NT installation is found. This is the appropriate value when OemPreinstall = Yes. Manual implies that the user must specify which previous installation should be upgraded. Single indicates that the upgrade should continue only if a single Windows NT installation is found. If multiple installations are found, the user must manually select which installation to upgrade. Win31Upgrade Values: Yes | No The Win31Upgrade key determines whether previous installations of Windows or Windows for Workgroups 3.x should be upgraded to Windows NT. Yes indicates that the Windows installation should be upgraded and No means do not upgrade the installation if found. OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade Values: Yes | No This key determines whether OEM-supplied files that have the same name as Windows NT system files should be overwritten during an unattended upgrade or not. Yes means overwrite the files and No means do not overwrite if found. The default behavior is to overwrite OEM-supplied files. TargetPath Values: * | | Manual This key determines the installation directory in which Windows NT should be installed, and implies that Setup should generate a unique directory name for the installation. This is usually WINNT.x where x is 0, 1, and so on. is user-defined installation directory. Manual indicates that Setup should prompt the user to enter the installation path. Note, do not use drive letters in this value. For example if you want to have Windows NT installed to winnt40, your unattend.txt should have the value: TargetPath = \winnt40 NOTE: Do not use drive letters such as c:\winnt or d:\winntws. To specify a drive other than the boot partition, you must use the commandline switch /t: with your setup command. For example, "winnt32.exe /t:d:" (without the quotation marks) to install Windows NT to the D drive. ComputerType Values: [, Retail | OEM] This key indicates the type of Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to be loaded by the Setup Loader, and installed by text-mode Setup. If this key is not present, Setup attempts to detect the type of computer and install the appropriate retail HAL. It is only valid when OemPreinstall = Yes. The string identifies the HAL to be installed. It must match one of the strings in the [Computer] section of the Txtsetup.sif file (for a retail HAL), or the Txtsetup.oem file (for an OEM HAL). Retail informs Setup that the HAL to be installed is part of the Windows NT product. OEM indicates that the HAL to be loaded is OEM- supplied. If the HAL is OEM-supplied, the driver name must also be listed in the [OemBootFiles] section of the Unattend.txt file. Listed below are some examples of these values: Descriptions are from the COMPUTER Section of TXTSETUP.SIF ---------------------------------------------------------- ComputerType = "AST Manhattan SMP","RETAIL" ComputerType = "Compaq SystemPro Multiprocessor or 100% Compatible","RETAIL" ComputerType = "Corollary C-bus Architecture","RETAIL" ComputerType = "Corollary C-bus Micro Channel Architecture","RETAIL" ComputerType = "IBM PS/2 or other Micro Channel-based PC","RETAIL" ComputerType = "MPS Uniprocessor PC","RETAIL" ComputerType = "MPS Multiprocessor PC","RETAIL" ComputerType = "MPS Multiprocessor Micro Channel PC","RETAIL" ComputerType = "NCR System 3000 Model 3360/3450/3550","RETAIL" ComputerType = "Olivetti LSX5030/40","RETAIL" ComputerType = "Standard PC","RETAIL" ComputerType = "Standard PC with C-Step i486","RETAIL" ComputerType = "Wyse Series 7000i Model 740MP/760MP","RETAIL" If you have your own special HAL, your line should read as follows: ComputerType = "This is my special HAL","OEM" Remember that when you use an OEM supplied HAL, the driver name must also exist in the [OemBootFiles] section. KeyboardLayout Value: This key indicates the type of keyboard layout to install. If this key does not exist, Setup detects and install a keyboard layout. must match one of the right hand strings (in "") in the ["Keyboard Layout"] section of the Txtsetup.sif file. Example: KeyBoardLayout = "US-International" NOTE: If you are using a localized version of Windows NT, refer to the Txtsetup.sif file located on the second installation floppy disk for the appropriate string to add in the Unattend.txt file. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [MassStorageDrivers] This section contains a list of SCSI drivers to be loaded by the Setup Loader, and installed during text-mode Setup. If this section is absent or empty, Setup attempts to detect the SCSI devices on the computer, and install the corresponding retail drivers. Value: RETAIL | OEM This is a string that identifies the driver to be installed. It must match one of the strings defined in the right-hand side of the[SCSI] section of the Txtsetup.sif file (for a retail driver), or the Txtsetup.oem file (for an OEM driver). Multiple s can be specified. RETAIL indicates that the driver is part of the retail Windows NT product. OEM indicates that the driver is OEM- supplied. If the value is OEM, the driver must also be listed in the [OemBootFiles] section of the Unattend.txt file. Listed below are some examples of some values: Descriptions are from the SCSI Section of TXTSETUP.SIF ====================================================== "Adaptec AHA-151X/AHA-152X or AIC-6260/AIC-6360 SCSI Host Adapter" = "RETAIL" "Adaptec AHA-154X/AHA-164X SCSI Host Adapter" = "RETAIL" "Adaptec AHA-174X EISA SCSI Host Adapter" = "RETAIL" "Adaptec AHA-274X/AHA-284X/AIC-777X SCSI Host Adapter" = "RETAIL" "Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394X or AIC-78XX PCI SCSI Controller" = "RETAIL" "Adaptec AHA-2920 or Future Domain 16XX/PCI/SCSI2Go SCSI Host Adapter" = "RETAIL" "AMD PCI SCSI Controller/Ethernet Adapter" = "RETAIL" "AMIscsi SCSI Host Adapter" = "RETAIL" "BusLogic SCSI Host Adapter" = "RETAIL" -------------------------------------------------------------------- [DisplayDrivers] This section contains a list of display drivers to be loaded by the Setup Loader, and installed during text-mode Setup. It is only valid when OemPreinstall = Yes. If this section is absent or empty, Setup attempts to detect the display devices on the computer, and install the corresponding retail drivers. Note that you can get the same functionality by using the settings in the [Display] section described later. Value: RETAIL | OEM This is a string that identifies the driver to be installed. It must match one of the strings defined in the right-hand side of the [Display] section of the Txtsetup.sif file (for a retail driver), or the Txtsetup.oem file (for an OEM driver). Multiple s can be specified. RETAIL indicates that the driver is part of the retail Windows NT product. OEM indicates that the driver is OEM- supplied. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [KeyboardDrivers] This section contains a list of Keyboard drivers to be loaded by the Setup Loader, and installed during text-mode Setup. It is only valid when OemPreinstall = Yes. If this section is absent or empty, Setup attempts to detect the keyboard devices on the computer, and install the corresponding retail drivers. Value: RETAIL | OEM This is a string that identifies the driver to be installed. It must match one of the strings defined in the right-hand side of the[Keyboard] section of the Txtsetup.sif file (for a retail driver), or the Txtsetup.oem file (for an OEM driver). Multiple s can be specified. RETAIL indicates that the driver is part of the retail Windows NT product. OEM indicates that the driver is OEM- supplied. Below is an example: [KeyBoardDrivers] "XT, AT, or Enhanced Keyboard (83-104 keys)" = "RETAIL" -------------------------------------------------------------------- [PointingDeviceDrivers] This section contains a list of pointing device drivers to be loaded by the Setup Loader, and installed during text-mode Setup. It is only valid when OemPreinstall = Yes. If this section is absent or empty, Setup attempts to detect the pointing devices on the computer, and install the corresponding retail drivers. Value: RETAIL | OEM This is a string that identifies the driver to be installed. It must match one of the strings defined in the right-hand side of the[Mouse] section of the Txtsetup.sif file (for a retail driver), or the Txtsetup.oem file (for an OEM driver). Multiple s can be specified. RETAIL indicates that the driver is part of the retail Windows NT product. OEM indicates that the driver is OEM- supplied. Below are some examples of these values: Descriptions are from the MOUSE Section of TXTSETUP.SIF ====================================================== "Microsoft Mouse Port Mouse (includes BallPoint)" = "RETAIL" "Logitech Mouse Port Mouse" = "RETAIL" "Microsoft InPort Bus Mouse" = "RETAIL" "Microsoft Serial Mouse" = "RETAIL" "Microsoft BallPoint Serial Mouse" = "RETAIL" "Logitech Serial Mouse" = "RETAIL" "Microsoft (Green Buttons) or Logitech Bus Mouse" = "RETAIL" "No Mouse or Other Pointing Device" = "RETAIL" "Microsoft Mouse Port Mouse (includes BallPoint)" = "RETAIL" -------------------------------------------------------------------- [OEMBootFiles] This section is used to specify OEM-supplied boot files. It is only valid if OemPreinstall = Yes and the files listed here have been placed in the $OEM$\Textmode directory of the OEM's distribution share point. Txtsetup.oem This file contains descriptions of all the OEM-supplied drivers listed in this section. It also includes instructions on how to install the drivers listed in this section. It must exist if this section is listed. This maps to a HAL description that has been defined by the ComputerType key in the [Unattended] section of the Unattend.txt file. The maps to a mass storage driver description defined in the [MassStorageDriver] section of the Unattend.txt file. There can be multiple s listed in the [OemBootFiles] section. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [OEM_Ads] This section instructs Setup that the default end-user interface may be modified by the keys below. Banner Values: This key specifies a text string to be displayed in the upper left corner of the computer screen. The text must contain the "Windows NT" sub-string or it may be ignored. To specify more than one line, you can separate the different lines using the * character. Example: Banner = "My own Windows NT setup" Logo Values: [,] This key specifies a bitmap to be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. If this line has only one field, it is assumed to be a .bmp file located in the $OEM$ directory of the distribution share point. However if two fields are specified, the first field is the name of a DLL and the second is a base-10 number that represents the resource ID of the bitmap in the DLL. The DLL specified should be located in the $OEM$ directory. Example: Logo = Myown.bmp Background Values: [,] This key specifies a background bitmap to be displayed. If this line has only one field, it is assumed to be a .bmp file located in the $OEM$ directory of the distribution share point. However if two fields are specified, the first field is the name of a DLL and the second is a base- 10 number that represents the resource ID of the bitmap in the DLL. The DLL specified should be located in the $OEM$ directory. Example: Background = Mybackground.bmp -------------------------------------------------------------------- [GuiUnattended] OemSkipWelcome Value: 0 | 1 This key is used to specify whether the introductory "Welcome to Windows NT Setup" page is skipped or not. Default behavior is to show the wizard page. OEMBlankAdminPassword Value: 0 | 1 This key is used to specify whether the user should see the Administrator Password Wizard page or not. Default behavior is to show the password page. In NT 4.0 you cannot automate the setup of the administrator password unless you specify it to be blank (OEMBlankAdminPassword = 1). The only way to set this is to either let Windows NT prompt for it during GUI mode or after install is complete. TimeZone Value: The TimeZone key determines the time zone of the computer. If the key is empty, the user is prompted to indicate a time zone. The list of valid TimeZone strings is as follows: ; (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time; Dublin, Edinburgh, London ; (GMT+01:00) Lisbon, Warsaw ; (GMT+01:00) Paris, Madrid ; (GMT+01:00) Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Bern, Brussels, Vienna ; (GMT+02:00) Eastern Europe ; (GMT+01:00) Prague ; (GMT+02:00) Athens, Helsinki, Istanbul ; (GMT-03:00) Rio de Janeiro ; (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada) ; (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) ; (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) ; (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) ; (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana ; (GMT-09:00) Alaska ; (GMT-10:00) Hawaii ; (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa ; (GMT+12:00) Wellington ; (GMT+10:00) Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney ; (GMT+09:30) Adelaide ; (GMT+09:00) Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Yakutsk ; (GMT+08:00) Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei ; (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi ; (GMT+05:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo ; (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Tbilisi, Kazan, Volgograd ; (GMT+03:30) Tehran ; (GMT+03:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Nairobi, Riyadh ; (GMT+02:00) Israel ; (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland ; (GMT-01:00) Azores, Cape Verde Is. ; (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic ; (GMT) Monrovia, Casablanca ; (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown ; (GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz ; (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East) ; (GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima ; (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan ; (GMT-06:00) Mexico City, Tegucigalpa ; (GMT-07:00) Arizona ; (GMT-12:00) Enewetak, Kwajalein ; (GMT+12:00) Fiji Islands, Kamchatka, Marshall Is. ; (GMT+11:00) Magadan, Soloman Is., New Caledonia ; (GMT+10:00) Hobart ; (GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby, Vladivostok ; (GMT+09:30) Darwin ; (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Urumqi ; (GMT+06:00) Alma Ata, Dhaka ; (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent ; (GMT+04:30) Kabul ; (GMT+02:00) Cairo ; (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria ; (GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg AdvServerType Value: SERVERNT | LANMANNT | LANSECNT This key is only valid when you install Windows NT Server. SERVERNT indicates that the computer may be a standalone server. LANMANNT indicates that the computer may serve as a primary domain controller. LANSECNT indicates that the computer may be a backup domain controller. DetachedProgram Value: The DetachedProgram key is used to indicate the path of the custom program that should run concurrently with the Setup program. If the program requires any arguments, the Arguments key must be specified. Arguments Value: The Arguments key indicates that arguments or parameters accompany the custom program that should run concurrently with the Setup program. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [UserData] FullName Value: The FullName key is used to specify the user's full name. If the key is absent or empty, the user is prompted to enter a name. This is not the name of the user that may be using the computer or user account. This should contain the name of the person or company to which the software is registered. OrgName Value: Use this key specify an organization's name. If the OrgName key is empty or absent, the user is prompted to enter an organization name. ComputerName Value: Use this key to specify the computer name. If the ComputerName key is empty or absent, the user is prompted to enter a computer name. ProductID Value: The ProductId key specifies the Microsoft product identification (productID) number. This number can be found on the Jewel case of the CD-ROM. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [LicenseFilePrintData] This section is only valid when you install Windows NT Server. AutoMode Values: PERSEAT | PERSERVER The AutoMode key determines whether Windows NT Server is installed in per- seat or per-server license mode. If AutoMode = PERSERVER, also specify the AutoUsers key. PERSEAT indicates that a client access license has been purchased for each computer that accesses the server. PERSERVER indicates that client access licenses have been purchased for the server to enable a certain number of concurrent connections to the server. If AutoMode is empty or absent, the user may be prompted to select the license mode. AutoUsers Value: This key is only valid if AutoMode = PerServer. indicates the number of client licenses purchased for the server being installed. Listed below is an example of this section: [LicenseFilePrintData] AutoMode = PerServer or PerSeat AutoUser = xxxx or PerServer (where XXXX is the number of licenses purchased) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [Display] This section is used to specify display settings for the particular graphics device being installed. In order for this to work properly, the user must know what settings are valid for the graphics. If the pre- specified settings are not valid, the user may be prompted to select them. ConfigureAtLogon Value: 0 | 1 This key is used to specify when the graphics devices are configured: During Setup or after the first logon by a user. 0 implies configure during Setup and 1 indicates that the device should be configured during the first logon by the user. For this to be fully automated, this key should not be used at all. BitsPerPel Value: This key specifies the for the graphics device being installed. Xresolution Value: This key specifies a for the graphics device being installed. Yresolution Value: This key specifies a for the graphics device being installed. Vrefresh Value: This key specifies a for the graphics device being installed. Flags Value: This key specifies for the graphics device being installed. AutoConfirm Value: 0 | 1 The AutoConfirm key indicates whether the graphics device should be configured using pre-specified display settings or not. 0 implies do not use the pre-specified settings and 1 indicates that the pre-defined settings should be used. AutoConfirm = 1 requires that all the necessary parameters have been pre-specified in the Unattend.txt file. Listed below is an example the [Display] sections settings: [Display] BitsPerPel = 8 XResolution = 1024 YResolution = 768 VRefresh = 70 Flags = 0 AutoConfirm = 1 If the Video card installed cannot use the defined settings or are invalid, defaults may be used for install. You can install third party video drivers if your video card is not detected by Windows NT and is an OEM Video card. For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q166028 Installing 3rd-Party Video drivers with Txtsetup.oem Unattended You can use the next three parameters instead of the [DisplayDriver], [OemBootFiles] sections and custom Txtsetup.oem files to install third- party video drivers. The drivers and files required by the video adapter should exist in the $OEM$\Display directory on the distribution share point. InstallDriver Value: 0 | 1 This key specifies whether a third-party driver is being installed or not. If value is 0, the InfFile and InfOption keys are skipped. InfFile Values: , , ... This key specifies a list of .inf file names for display drivers to be installed. You can specify only one .inf file per driver. That is, S3.inf, Matrox.inf, and so on. InfOption Values: , , ... Specifies a list of options that should be selected from the corresponding .inf files specified with the InfFile key. For example, the display tool installs the S3 765 entry in the S3.inf file and the Millennium 3D entry in the Matrox.inf file if the following keys are specified: InfFile = s3.inf, matrox.inf InfOption = S3 765, Millennium 3D -------------------------------------------------------------------- [Modem] This section header is used to identify whether a modem should be installed or not. It is used by Remote Access Services (RAS) to install a modem if DeviceType = Modem in the list of RAS parameters. This section cannot be empty if you want to install modems using RAS in unattended mode. InstallModem Value: This key defines a section where modem installation parameters are defined. The key must exist in order to install any modems. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] The modem parameter section lists the keys and values required to install a modem on a particular COM port. If the [] section is blank, RAS performs modem detection on its preconfigured ports and install any modems it finds. Values: [, , ] The key specifies the COM ports on which modems are installed. The COM port numbers must match ports configured or to be configured by the RAS installation. must match a modem description in a Mdmxxxxx.inf file that corresponds to the modem to be installed. This string must be enclosed in quotation marks. The and fields are optional fields that identify the manufacturer and provider of a particular modem in cases where the string is not unique to a particular manufacturer. An example of the [Modem] section is listed below: [Modem] InstallModem = MyModemParameters [MyModemParameters] Com2 = "Hayes V-Series Ultra Smartmodem 9600" -------------------------------------------------------------------- [Network] This section informs Setup that Networking should be installed. If empty, the user may be presented with various error messages. If this section header is absent; network installation may be skipped. Attended Value: Yes | No This key is specified if you want the user to install networking manually during an unattended installation. The value is ignored so if you want a complete unattended installation, this key should not be specified at all. JoinWorkgroup Value: This key is used to define the workgroup in which the computer may participate. JoinDomain Value: This key is used to define the domain in which the computer may participate. CreateComputerAccount Values: , This key enables the computer account to be created during setup. The username and password is for a domain account that has the right Add Workstations To Domain. Note that for this value to work, the network card must be able to contact the Domain controller. This is crucial for computers that are only using the TCPIP protocol and Domain controller is on a different segment. We must have a way to resolve the IP address. If the account does not have the privileges to add workstations to the domain or cannot contact the domain controller, setup prompts you that it is unable to create the account and bring you back to the Join domain dialog. InstallDC Value: This key is used to specify the name of a domain to be installed. It is only valid when installing a primary or backup domain controller and the AdvServerType key has been set accordingly. DetectAdapters Value: | "" This key is used to detect network adapter cards installed on a computer. Either this key or the InstallAdapters key must exist in order to install network cards. If the value is "", the first card detected may be installed. InstallAdapters Value: This key defines a section in which the network adapters to be installed are listed. If this key is present, the adapters listed in the section are installed by default, they are not detected. InstallProtocols Value: This key defines a section in which the network protocols to be installed are listed. InstallServices Value: This key defines a section in which the network services to be installed are listed. Listed below is a list of services that can be installed during unattended setup: NWWKSTA - Client service for Netware SNMP = SNMP service RAS = Remote access service NETMON = Network monitor STCPIP = Simple TCPIP TCPPRINT = TCPIP Printing service INETSTP = Install internet server SAP = SAP service InstallInternetServer Value: This key defines a section in which parameters for installing the Internet Information Server(IIS) are listed. During installation on Windows NT Server, IIS is installed by default. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] This section is pointed to by the DetectAdapters key described earlier. DetectCount Value: Indicates the number of detection attempts Setup should make. LimitTo Value: This key specifies a list of netcard .inf options to which the detection should be limited. The netcard .inf options for particular cards can be found in the [Options] section of the corresponding Oemnadxx.inf file. For example: LimitTo = AMDPCN -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] = , Value: This key points Setup to the section that contains descriptions for a particular network adapter card. The for particular cards can be found in the [Options] section of the corresponding Oemnadxx.inf files. Example: [Installadapters] AMDPCN = AMDPCNParameters The oem_path points to the location of the OEM supplied files. If the path starts with a drive letter, then the literal path is used to find the OEM driver. If, however, the path starts with a backwards slash (\), then the path given may be appended to the path to the installation source. Example: for a driver located in $OEM$\NET\subdirectory_a, oem_path would be set to \$OEM$\NET\subdirectory_a. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] This section contains the parameters for a particular network adapter card whose has been specified in the [] or the [] of the Unattend.txt file. These values can be found by parsing the appropriate Oemnadxx.inf, or oemsetup.inf file for the network card. They can also be found by looking the in the registry of a Window NT computer with the adapter already installed and functioning properly. To do this, use Regedt32.exe and look in the following registry key: Hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\<%netcardkeyname%>;X where X = 1 or ordinal of adapter installed. In this key look at the parameters key and note the values. NOTE: All values in the registry appear as Hex but in your unattend.txt file, these values must be converted to decimal. For example, the value of IOBaseAddress =0x300 in the registry must be set to IOBaseAddress = 768 in the answer file. Listed below is an example of these parameters: [EE16Params] !AutoNetInterfaceType = 1 Transceiver = 3 !AutoNetBusNumber = 0 IoChannelReady = 2 IoBaseAddress = 784 InterruptNumber = 10 NOTE: These values differ for each type of network card but the numbers must always appear in decimal. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] This section contains a list of .inf file options for network protocols and the corresponding Unattend.txt file section in which the parameters for the particular protocol are listed. NBF Value: This key indicates that NetBeui should be installed in unattended mode. The corresponding parameter section must exist or Setup may stop responding. NWLNKIPX Value: This key indicates that IPX should be installed in unattended mode. The corresponding parameter section must exist or Setup may stop responding. TC Value: This key indicates that TCP/IP should be installed in unattended mode. The corresponding parameter section must exist or Setup may stop responding. DLC Value: This key indicates that DLC should be installed in unattended mode. The corresponding parameter section must exist or Setup may stop responding. RASPPTP (Point to Point Protocol) Value: This key indicates that Ras Point to Point Protocol should be installed in unattended mode. The corresponding parameter section must exist or Setup may stop responding. STREAMS Value: This key indicates that STREAMS should be installed in unattended mode. The corresponding parameter section must exist or Setup may stop responding. ATALK (Apple talk protocol) Value: This key indicates that Apple Talk Protocol should be installed in unattended mode. The corresponding parameter section must exist or Setup may stop responding. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] This parameter is left empty because NetBeui does not require any extra parameters to be installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] This parameter is left empty because IPX does not require any extra parameters to be installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] DHCP Value: Yes | No This key is used to specify whether or not DHCP should be used. ScopeID Value: This key is used to specify the computer's scope identifier if required on a network that uses NetBios over TCP/IP. If DHCP = No, the following keys must be specified: IPAddress Value: Used to specify the IP address for the computer. Subnet Value: Specifies the subnet mask address. Gateway Value: Identifies the default gateway address for the computer. DNSServer Value: Used to specify up to 3 DNS servers. WINSPrimary Value: Used to specify the IP address of the primary WINS server. WINSSecondary Value: Used to specify the IP address of the secondary WINS server. DNSName Value: This key is used to specify the DNS domain name. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] NETMON Value: Points to STCPIP Value: Points to TCPPRINT Value: Points to INETSTP Value: Points to SAP Value: Points to SNMP Value: Points to RAS Value: Points to NWWKSTA Value: Points to -------------------------------------------------------------------- [Netmon Parameters section] No values are needed here but section header must exist for service to install. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [Simple TCPIP parameters section] No values are needed here but section header must exist for service to install. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [TCPIP Printing Parameters section] No values are needed here but section header must exist for service to install. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [SAP Parameters section] No values are needed here but section header must exist for service to install. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] !DefaultLocation Value: The !DefaultLocation key identifies the default logon server for the NetWare client. For NDS logins use the following syntax: !DefaultLocation = "*ABC\MARKETING.US" Where ABC is the tree name and is the default context. !DefaultScriptOptions Values: 0 | 1 | 3 This key defines the default action to perform with scripts. 0 implies that no scripts may be run, 1 indicates that only NetWare 3.x-level scripts may be run and 3 implies that either NetWare 3.x or NetWare 4.x- level scripts can be run. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] Accept_CommunityName Value: This key is used to specify a maximum of three community names that the computer on which the SNMP service is running accept traps from. The are separated by commas. Send_Authentication Value: Yes | No This key indicates whether an authentication trap should be sent when an unauthorized community or host requests information. Any_Host Value: Yes | No This key specifies whether or not the computer on which the SNMP service is being installed should accept SNMP packets from any host. Limit_Host Values: A maximum of three can be specified, separated by commas. This key is valid when Any_Host = No. Community_Name Value: Indicates the for the computer. Traps Values: | This key is used to specify a maximum of three IP or IPX addresses to which traps should be sent. Contact_Name Value: This key is used to specify the computer user's name. Location Value: This key is used to specify the physical location of the computer. Service Values: Physical, Applications, Datalink, Internet, EndtoEnd. Any combination of the five SNMP services listed here can be specified as values. They must be separated by commas. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] PortSections Values: This key is used to define a port section name. Multiple port section names can be specified but they must be separated by commas. See [] definition below. DialoutProtocols Value: TCP/IP | IPX | NETBEUI | ALL ALL implies all installed protocols. The remaining parameters in this section apply only to RAS Server installation. DialinProtocols Value: TCP/IP | IPX | NETBEUI | ALL ALL implies all installed protocols. NetBEUIClientAccess Value: Network | ThisComputer The default is Network. TcpIpClientAccess Value: Network | ThisComputer The default is Network. UseDHCP Value: YES | NO The default is Yes. StaticAddressBegin Value: This key is required if UseDHCP = NO. StaticAddressEnd Value: This key is required if UseDHCP = NO. ExcludeAddress Value: This key is used to exclude a range of IP addresses when a range of IP addresses are assigned manually. It requires that StaticAddressBegin and StaticAddressEnd be specified already. ClientCanRequestIPAddress Value: YES | NO The default is No. IpxClientAccess Value: Network | ThisComputer The default is Network. AutomaticNetworkNumbers Value: YES | NO The default is YES. NetworkNumberFrom Value: Valid numbers range from 1 to 0xFFFFFFFE. This key is required if AutomaticNetworkNumbers = NO. AssignSameNetworkNumber Value: YES | NO The default is YES. ClientsCanRequestIpxNodeNumber Value: YES | NO The default is NO. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] PortName Value: COM1 | COM2 | COM3-COM25 This key indicates the names of the ports to be configured in a particular port section. DeviceType Value: Modem This key indicates the type of device RAS should install. Currently, the only available device type is a modem. PortUsage Value: DialOut | DialIn | DialInOut The PortUsage key defines the dialing properties for the ports being configured. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [] This section contains parameters for installing Internet Information Server (IIS). A value of 1 for each of the parameters below implies the component should be installed. A value of 0 implies the component should not be installed. InstallINETSTP Value: 0 | 1 Specifies whether Internet services may be installed. The default is 1. InstallADMIN Value: 0 | 1 Specifies whether the Internet Service Manager may be installed. InstallFTP Value: 0 | 1 Specifies whether the FTP service may be installed. FTPRoot Value: Specifies the virtual root for the FTP service. InstallWWW Value: 0 | 1 Specifies whether the WWW service may be installed. WWWRoot Value: Specifies the virtual root for the WWW service. InstallGOPHER Value: 0 | 1 Specifies whether the Gopher service may be installed. GopherRoot Value: Specifies the virtual root for the Gopher service. InstallDir Value: Specifies the installation directory for all components of Internet Services. InstallW3SAMP Value: 0 | 1 Specifies whether or not World Wide Web sample files should be installed. InstallHTMLA Value: 0 | 1 Specifies whether or not the HTML form of the Internet Service Manager should be installed. GuestAccountName Value: This key is used to define the anonymous user name used in the WWW, FTP, and GOPHER services. GuestAccountPassword Value: This is used to create the guest account password. If it is not defined, IIS creates a random string for the guest account. =============================================================== Sample Unattended File ---------------------- For quick reference, an sample unattended file has been created containing all entries and the appropriate range of values. Note, this file has entries that are valid for NT workstation and NT Server, this file is only meant to be used as reference but not an actual answer file. ;[Unattended] ;Method = Express|Custom ;NtUpgrade = Yes|No ;Win31Upgade = Yes|No ;TargetPath = *||Manual ;OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade = Yes|No ;ConfirmHardware = Yes|No ;OEMPreinstall = Yes|No ;NoWaitAfterTextMode = (0 = stop, 1 = Reboot) ;NoWaitAfterGuiMode = (0 = stop, 1 = Reboot) ;FileSystem = ConvertNTFS|LeaveAlone ;ExtendOemPartition = (0 = no, 1 = Yes) ; Descriptions are from the COMPUTER Section of TXTSETUP.SIF ; ====================================================== ; ComputerType = "AST Manhattan SMP","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "Compaq SystemPro Multiprocessor or 100% ; Compatible","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "Corollary C-bus Architecture","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "Corollary C-bus Micro Channel Architecture","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "IBM PS/2 or other Micro Channel-based PC","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "MPS Uniprocessor PC","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "MPS Multiprocessor PC","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "MPS Multiprocessor Micro Channel PC","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "NCR System 3000 Model 3360/3450/3550","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "Olivetti LSX5030/40","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "Standard PC","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "Standard PC with C-Step i486","RETAIL" ; ComputerType = "Wyse Series 7000i Model 740MP/760MP","RETAIL" ;KeyBoardLayout = ; Example; ; KeyBoardLayout = "US-International" ;[GuiUnattended]======================================== ;[GuiUnattended] ;OemSkipWelcome = (0 = no, 1 = Yes) ;OemBlankadminPassword = (0 = no, 1 = Yes) ;TimeZone =