DOCUMENT:Q126876 30-DEC-2000 [homemm] TITLE :Baseball 1995: BS95READ.TXT Contents (Part 1 of 3) PRODUCT :Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles PROD/VER:WINDOWS: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS: ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Complete Baseball Guide for Windows, 1995 edition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The following is part 1 of the BS95READ.TXT included with Microsoft Complete Baseball for Windows, 1995 edition. NOTE: This Readme document refers to the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL). As of 12/31/1998, the MSDL service is no longer available. To download support files, visit one of the following Microsoft Internet sites: ================================================================ MICROSOFT COMPLETE BASEBALL ================================================================ This README file contains additional information about Complete Baseball not included in the User's Guide. To read this file on-screen, use the Page Down and Page Up keys. You can also print the file by opening this file in any Windows word processing program and choosing the Print command from the File menu. This file contains important information on the following topics: 1) COMPLETE BASEBALL PERFORMANCE 2) CD-ROM PROBLEMS 3) PRINTING AND COPYING 4) COMPLETE BASEBALL DISPLAY 5) AUDIO PROBLEMS 6) RUNNING UNDER MICROSOFT WINDOWS NT ================================================================= 1. COMPLETE BASEBALL PERFORMANCE ================================================================= Complete Baseball uses your computer's system memory to display information quickly. If you find that Complete Baseball runs slowly, or if you encounter out-of-memory errors, Complete Baseball probably doesn't have enough memory. Consider doing the following to improve your computer's performance: * Close all applications that you aren't using. * Set up a permanent Windows swap file. Windows works best when hard disk space has been allocated for swapping a file into or out of your computer's memory. To set up a permanent Windows swap file on your hard disk, open Windows Control Panel (usually in the "Main" program group of Program Manager), and double-click the "386 Enhanced" icon. Then click the "Virtual Memory" button to see whether your current swap file is temporary or permanent, to check the size of the current swap file, and to make changes. Windows usually creates a temporary swap file by default, but if your disk is full or fragmented, this temporary file can become unavailable. If you can, make the size of the permanent swap file at least 4096K. Look at the Help menu in the Windows Control Panel or in your Windows documentation for more information. * Defragment or optimize your hard disk by running a defragmentation program. For example, MS-DOS 6.0 includes a utility called Microsoft Defrag. Some other popular utilities are PC Tools, Norton Utilities, and Mace Utilities. * Add more RAM (memory) to your computer. You can determine how much memory is available by starting MS-DOS, typing "mem", and pressing ENTER. This starts a program that will tell you how much memory you have. You need at least 4 megabytes (sometimes listed as 4096 kilobytes, or KB) of RAM, and at least 4 megabytes in your hard disk's Windows swap file to run Complete Baseball. For complete details on improving performance, consult your Windows documentation. ================================================================= 2. CD-ROM PROBLEMS ================================================================= NOTE - Do not remove the Complete Baseball compact disc from your CD-ROM drive while running Complete Baseball. If this occurs, in most cases you will need to restart your computer and run Complete Baseball again. If the Complete Baseball program cannot find the data files that it needs from the Complete Baseball compact disc, you'll see a message that asks you to select the drive containing the files. To find the source of the problem, do the following: * Make sure the Complete Baseball compact disc is correctly inserted into the CD-ROM drive. * Make sure the Complete Baseball program is looking for the compact disc on the correct drive. Check to see if the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive has changed. You can use Windows File Manager to determine which drive letter is assigned to the CD-ROM drive. The Select Drive command in the Disk menu will say "CD-ROM" next to the CD-ROM drive letter. In your Windows directory, open the MSSPORTS.INI file. The section called [BS95] should have an entry called "CD." The path should be set to the drive on which your CD-ROM drive appears. For example, if your CD-ROM drive is drive D:\, the entry would appear as follows: [BS95] cd=D:\ * If you have an external CD-ROM drive, make sure that the drive is connected to your computer, plugged in, and turned on. If you still see an error message after checking the points above, check the manuals that came with your CD-ROM drive for information on how a CD-ROM is to be set up, or contact the company that supplied the drive. ================================================================= 3. PRINTING AND COPYING ================================================================= Printing and copying are available from most screens in Complete Baseball for images, text, and statistics. Depending on the type of printer you have, printing an image may take several minutes. Also, screen resolution and printer resolution are often not the same, so the resulting printout may not match the quality you see on the screen. Because the pictures can be quite large, you may have difficulty copying or printing in low-memory conditions. In this case, close all other running applications and try again. Pictures copied from Complete Baseball and pasted into a word processing program may look different if the word processor is not set up to display 256 colors. The picture should still print correctly on a color printer; only the display in the word processing program is affected. ================================================================= 4. COMPLETE BASEBALL DISPLAY ================================================================= REQUIREMENTS --------------------------- Microsoft Complete Baseball requires a 256 color display to run. If your computer's display is less than 256 colors, you need to install a 256 color driver, or obtain one from your video card's manufacturer. A set of generic 256 color drivers (which support most non-accelerated Super VGA adapters) have been included on the Microsoft Complete Baseball CD (see the README.TXT supplied with the drivers for more information on supported video adapters). The file (SVGA.EXE) is located in the D:\ZDRIVERS directory (assuming D:\ is the drive letter of your CD-ROM). Note: Video adapter based on the S3 chipset will not work with the generic 256 color driver (SVGA.EXE). In this case you will find specific S3 drivers (also located in the D:\ZDRIVERS directory) for these video adapters. The driver you select depends on the specific S3 chipset your video adapter uses. For more information on the version of the S3 chipset your video card uses see the user manual included with your video card. Once you have determined the version of the S3 chipset your video card support use the following table below to determine which file to copy to your hard disk. Chipset Copy file ------- --------- 801/805 S3-801.EXE 924 S3-924.EXE 928 S3-928.EXE To install the driver you will first need to copy the appropriate driver file from the D:\ZDRIVERS directory on the Microsoft Complete Baseball CD to your hard disk (Note: do not copy this file to the C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories). Once the file has been copied to the hard disk you will need to "extract" the video driver by either typing the name of the file followed by the Enter key from the MS-DOS prompt i.e. SVGA or by double clicking on the file (SVGA.EXE) in the File Manager. Once the files are extracted open the DISPLAY.TXT file located in the directory where the expanded video driver resides and find the section entitled "Installing a Display Driver" for the steps necessary to complete the installation of the video driver. Complete Baseball also requires a 640 X 480 or higher display. If your monitor displays at less than a 640 X 480 resolution, and Complete Baseball does not run, check to make sure that you have a 640 x 480 or higher display driver installed. To check which video driver is currently installed on your computer: 1. Run the Windows Setup application (this is usually found in your Main Program group). 2. Locate the Display driver item in the application window. For information on installing a different display driver, choose Contents from the Help menu in the Windows Setup application or consult your Windows documentation. ---------------- DISPLAY PROBLEMS ---------------- In some situations, Complete Baseball may encounter video display problems when using high resolution video drivers from various video card manufacturers. The problems include: - Images and illustrations appearing grainy or having "glitches" - Videos displaying garbled images or crashing Complete Baseball Most problems can be fixed by obtaining new drivers from your video card manufacturer. Contact the manufacturer of your video card to determine if there are newer versions available. Their phone number should be in the manuals that came with your video card or personal computer. Another option for obtaining updated drivers is the Microsoft Download service, an electronic bulletin board that can be accessed via a modem at (206) 936-MSDL (6735). If you experience problems with the display of images and graphics in Complete Baseball, such as multiple versions of a single button or images drawn on the screen incorrectly, try the following: 1. In your Windows directory, open the BASEBALL.INI file using Notepad or any other word processing program. 2. In the [BASEBALL] section of the BASEBALL.INI file, change the RLEFIX setting to 1, for example: RLEFIX=1 Although this should fix display problems, changing the RLEFIX setting will cause images to display more slowly. Additional query words: kbhowto 1995multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles kbmm ====================================================================== Keywords : Technology : kbHomeProdSearch kbGamesSearch kbBaseballSearch kbCompleteBaseballSearch kbCompleteBaseball1995 Version : WINDOWS: ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000.