DOCUMENT:Q138164 07-MAY-1999 [homemm] TITLE :Encarta 1996: Yearbook Builder FAQ PRODUCT :Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles PROD/VER:WINDOWS: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:msnetworkkbfaq ====================================================================== 1996 WINDOWS kbmm kbref kbtool kbtshoot kbfaq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia for Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The following article is a copy of the complete text of the Yearbook Builder Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) available on the Microsoft Network and the World Wide Web (WWW) for the Yearbook Builder feature for Encarta Encyclopedia for Windows, 1996 edition. MORE INFORMATION ================ About Yearbook Builder Yearbook Builder is an exciting new feature that keeps your encyclopedia current by attaching updates to your Encarta 96 Encyclopedia articles. With Yearbook Builder, your Encarta 96 Encyclopedia stays up to date with the current events and hot topics affecting the timeliness and accuracy of all encyclopedias. Each Yearbook Builder installment contains Month in Review, a chronology of the month's noteworthy events, and yearbook updates, a collection of detailed accounts linking and enhancing the articles in your Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. The first installment of Encarta Yearbook Builder is included on the 1996 CD-ROM as a sample. Later installments are available for downloading via your modem from either your subscription to The Microsoft Network or the Microsoft World Wide Web page on the Internet. Best of all, Microsoft gives you the first 12 installments (September 1995 to August 1996) as a FREE trial offer. Yearbook Builder FAQ Q. What is in the Encarta Yearbook Builder? A. Each month, your Yearbook Builder installment contains a Month in Review chronology of the month's key events and issues and approximately 30-40 yearbook updates, articles including several photos. Each Yearbook Builder monthly file profiles the latest political changes, scientific discoveries, and current events you would expect to find in an up to date encyclopedia. Q. How does this feature benefit Encarta 96 Encyclopedia? A. Encarta Yearbook Builder lets you own the most current encyclopedia possible. No longer will your information be out of date. Your content is always timely and accurate, and your research will always be complete. Encarta Yearbook Builder applies the power of online to the in-depth content on CD-ROM to create a living encyclopedia. Q. How do I get Yearbook Builder files? A. You can download Encarta Yearbook Builder files from your subscription to The Microsoft Network or the Microsoft World Wide Web page on the Internet. Easy downloading instructions are available in the Yearbook Builder's "Add New Months" screen, which guides you step-by-step through the download process. Also, a handy quick reference card is also provided to remind you to update you encyclopedia each month. Q. How does Microsoft get this updated content? A. Every day, the Encarta Encyclopedia editorial team monitors events and developments worldwide, looking for news that affects Encarta Encyclopedia's content. The editors summarize and package this information (text and photos) into Encarta Yearbook Builder files, which are then made available to you on a monthly basis as a part of the Yearbook Builder feature in Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. Q. How does this information work with the CD product? A. After the monthly Yearbook Builder files are downloaded from the Microsoft Network or the Internet via modem to your PC's hard disk, links are automatically created between the Yearbook Builder updates and their related CD articles, making the information accessible from within your Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. These updates can be accessed from two locations. The first is within the Yearbook Builder feature itself, in the Update Browser. The second way you can access these updates is by clicking on the Update icon in an Encarta Encyclopedia article. This icon indicates updated information relating to the article is available. Q. What if I don't get my Encarta 96 Encyclopedia until January 1996. Do I still get Yearbook Builder files? A. New Yearbook Builder installments will be available at the beginning of each month and will remain available to Encarta 96 Encyclopedia subscribers through December 1996. The number of Yearbook Builder installments available the first time you download is dependent on the month you first access the service. If you first use the service in January, you will have five months of Yearbook Builder files - September to January - available for immediate downloading. Q. How long does downloading these files take and how much hard disk space is required? A. Downloading one month's Yearbook Builder files will take approximately 6 minutes with a 9600 BPS modem. With 30-40 articles downloaded per month, you will need about 400- 500 KB of hard disk per month or 7.5 MB of hard disk for the full 12 installments. Q. How much does this online service cost? A. Encarta Yearbook Builder is being offered as a free trial service which entitles you to 12 installments that will be available from September 1995 to August 1996, regardless of when you obtain/receive Encarta 96 Encyclopedia or access the Yearbook Builder service. By providing Yearbook Builder free this year, we invite you to use the feature and give us feedback to help us improve our service to you. Q. Do I need an account on The Microsoft Network? A. No. Encarta Yearbook Builder are available on both The Microsoft Network and the Microsoft World Wide Web page on the Internet. More information on this topic may be available from Microsoft Information Services. Microsoft Information Services are available on the World Wide Web by connecting to The FTP site is located at Q. What happens to Yearbook Builder after August 1996? A. With improvements in technology, we expect even more opportunities to integrate online features with future releases of Encarta Encyclopedia. So be sure to register your Encarta 96 Encyclopedia and then watch your mail for news for the next edition of Encarta Encyclopedia and the new Yearbook Builder features it will support. Additional query words: kbhowto 1996 multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles kbmm on-line on line WWW internet access downloaded ====================================================================== Keywords : msnetwork kbfaq Technology : kbHomeProdSearch kbHomeMMsearch kbEncartaSearch kbEncartaEncycSearch kbEncartaEnCyc1996 Version : WINDOWS: Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.