DOCUMENT:Q305471 05-SEP-2001 [foxpro] TITLE :HOWTO: Use IMPLEMENTS with Microsoft Agent and Visual FoxPro PRODUCT :Microsoft FoxPro PROD/VER::7.0 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbAutomation kbvfp kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbvfp700 ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= Microsoft Visual FoxPro (VFP) 7.0 introduces the IMPLEMENTS and EVENTHANDLER keywords. These additions to the language allow you to handle events that are raised in a Component Object Model (COM) object's interface. This article demonstrates some of the events that the Microsoft Agent version 2.0 control can raise, and how VFP can work with them. MORE INFORMATION ================ Agent is preinstalled on Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Me, and Microsoft Windows XP. To download Agent for other platforms, and to obtain additional characters (such as the Genie that is referenced in the code below), see the following Microsoft Web site: ( The new Object Browser in VFP 7.0 allows you to view the properties, events, and methods of COM objects, as well as constants and enumerations, classes, and interfaces. IMPLEMENTS works with the interfaces that the Object Browser displays. The following steps create a class that you can use with EVENTHANDLER. At the end is the end result of these steps, plus modifications in the Show, Hide, RequestStart, RequestComplete, IdleStart, IdleComplete, Move, BalloonShow, and BalloonHide methods. You will need to paste this code in your class. 1. On the Tools menu, click Object Browser. 2. Click the Open Type Library button in the upper left corner of the user interface. 3. If this is the first time you are running the Object Browser, wait for the list of COM libraries to be built. 4. Select Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 and click OK. 5. Expand AgentObjects, then expand Interfaces. 6. In the command window, type "MODIFY COMMAND impAgent" (without the quotation marks). 7. In the Object Browser, drag _AgentEvents to the impAgent window. 8. Review the following code, and make the specified changes to the methods in the class definition that you just created. DEFINE CLASS myClass AS SESSION OLEPUBLIC IMPLEMENTS _AgentEvents IN "c:\winnt\msagent\agentctl.dll" PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_ActivateInput(CharacterID AS STRING) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_DeactivateInput(CharacterID AS STRING) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Click(CharacterID AS STRING, Button AS INTEGER, ; Shift AS INTEGER, x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_DblClick(CharacterID AS STRING, Button AS INTEGER, ; Shift AS INTEGER, x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_DragStart(CharacterID AS STRING, Button AS INTEGER, ; Shift AS INTEGER, x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_DragComplete(CharacterID AS STRING, ; Button AS INTEGER, Shift AS INTEGER, x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Show(CharacterID AS STRING, Cause AS INTEGER) AS VOID ACTIVATE SCREEN ? "Showing " + ALLTRIM(CharacterID) IF Cause = 2 && User clicked on taskbar icon ?? " because you said so." ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Hide(CharacterID AS STRING, Cause AS INTEGER) AS VOID ACTIVATE SCREEN ? "Hiding " + ALLTRIM(CharacterID) IF Cause = 1 OR Cause = 7 && User clicked on taskbar icon or character ?? " because you said so." ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_RequestStart(Request AS VARIANT) AS VOID ACTIVATE SCREEN ? "Agent is starting request." ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_RequestComplete(Request AS VARIANT) AS VOID ACTIVATE SCREEN ? "Agent has finished request." ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Restart() AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Shutdown() AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Bookmark(BookmarkID AS NUMBER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Command(UserInput AS VARIANT) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_IdleStart(CharacterID AS STRING) AS VOID WAIT WINDOW "Hey, I'm getting bored here!" NOWAIT ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_IdleComplete(CharacterID AS STRING) AS VOID WAIT WINDOW "Ah, that's better...." NOWAIT ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Move(CharacterID AS STRING, x AS INTEGER, ; y AS INTEGER, Cause AS INTEGER) AS VOID IF Cause = 1 && User moved WAIT WINDOW "Hey, I liked it where I was!" NOWAIT ENDIF IF Cause = 2 && Application moved WAIT WINDOW "Yes, boss." NOWAIT ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_Size(CharacterID AS STRING, Width AS INTEGER, ; Height AS INTEGER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_BalloonShow(CharacterID AS STRING) AS VOID ACTIVATE SCREEN ? ALLTRIM(CharacterID) + " is talking" ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_BalloonHide(CharacterID AS STRING) AS VOID ACTIVATE SCREEN ? ALLTRIM(CharacterID) + " is not talking anymore" ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_HelpComplete(CharacterID AS STRING, Name AS STRING, ; Cause AS INTEGER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_ListenStart(CharacterID AS STRING) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_ListenComplete(CharacterID AS STRING, ; Cause AS INTEGER) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_DefaultCharacterChange(GUID AS STRING) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_AgentPropertyChange() AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC PROCEDURE _AgentEvents_ActiveClientChange(CharacterID AS STRING, ; Active AS LOGICAL) AS VOID * Add user code here. ENDPROC ENDDEFINE 9. Create a form to fire the events. NOTE: Make sure that the Genie character has been installed on your computer before you attempt to run this form. PUBLIC oFrmAgent oFrmAgent = NEWOBJECT("frmAgent") oFrmAgent.Show() RETURN DEFINE CLASS frmAgent AS FORM Height = 134 Width = 276 AutoCenter = .T. Caption = "Agent Control Form" Name = "frmAgent" oEvents1 = .NULL. oRequest1 = .NULL. oRequest2 = .NULL. ADD OBJECT cmdSpeak AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 24, ; Left = 96, ; Height = 27, ; Width = 84, ; Caption = "Speak", ; Name = "cmdSpeak" ADD OBJECT cmdMove AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 72, ; Left = 96, ; Height = 27, ; Width = 84, ; Caption = "Move", ; Name = "cmdMove" PROCEDURE INIT CLEAR WITH ThisForm *!* Add the Agent control to the form. .AddObject("oleAgent1", "OleControl", "Agent.Control") *!* Create the implementing class, and assign it to a form variable. .oEvents1 = NEWOBJECT("myClass", "impAgent.prg") *!* Associate the Agent control with the implementing class. EVENTHANDLER(.oleAgent1.Object, .oEvents1) *!* Load and display the characters. WITH .oleAgent1.Object .Characters.Load("Merlin", "Merlin.acs") .Characters("Merlin").MoveTo(10, 10) .Characters.Load("Genie", "Genie.acs") .Characters("Genie").MoveTo(100, 100) .Characters("Merlin").Show() .Characters("Genie").Show() ENDWITH ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE QueryUnload WITH ThisForm.oleAgent1.Object ThisForm.oRequest1 = .Characters("Merlin").Hide() ThisForm.oRequest2 = .Characters("Genie").Hide() DO WHILE ThisForm.oRequest1.Status != 0 AND ; ThisForm.oRequest2.Status != 0 DOEVENTS ENDDO *!* The following line is required to keep the variables in *!* scope until the event handler finishes. After this method *!* completes, the form closes, and the oRequest variables *!* disappear. WAIT WINDOW "" TIMEOUT 1 .Characters.Unload("Merlin") .Characters.Unload("Genie") ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdSpeak.Click *!* The request object must remain in scope for the Agent events *!* to fire. WITH ThisForm .oRequest1 = .oleAgent1.Characters("Merlin").Speak("To be, " + ; "or not to be: that is the question.") ENDwith ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdMove.Click ThisForm.oleAgent1.Characters("Merlin").MoveTo(300, 300) ENDPROC ENDDEFINE After you run this form, try working with the agents by clicking both the agents and the form buttons. You can also try getting an object reference from the command line (oFrmAgent.oleAgent.Object) and controlling the characters directly, and putting code in impAgent to handle the other events that occur. REFERENCES ========== For additional information on Visual FoxPro and Agent, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q191950 HOWTO: Control Microsoft Agent with Visual FoxPro For more information about Agent, see the following Web site: For more information, see the following article: Neklioudov, Nick. "Talk to Me!" FoxPro Advisor, August 2001. Additional query words: ====================================================================== Keywords : kbAutomation kbvfp kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbvfp700 Technology : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP700 Version : :7.0 Issue type : kbhowto ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.