DOCUMENT:Q254919 10-AUG-2001 [win95x] TITLE :Installing the Windows Desktop Update with Internet Explorer 5.x PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product PROD/VER::4.0,5.0,95 OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbinterop kbtool ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows 95 - Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 - Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 - Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit version 5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article describes how a corporate administrator can add the Windows Desktop Update to Windows 95-based or Windows NT 4.0-based computers during the installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or after the installation of Internet Explorer 5 (without having to uninstall back to Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x). You can use the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) to create and distribute a customized Internet Explorer 5 installation package to install the Windows Desktop Update. For additional information about the IEAK, please see the following Microsoft Web site: NOTE: If you are not a corporate administrator, you need to uninstall Internet Explorer 5 to add the Windows Desktop Update with Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2. For additional information about this procedure, please see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Q165695 How to Add or Remove Windows Desktop Update Note that installing the Active Desktop over an existing Internet Explorer 5.x installation by using this method may reset certain customizations such as the User Agent String and Custom Title Bars. MORE INFORMATION ================ How to Create an IEAK Package to Install the Windows Desktop Update: 1. Download the IEAK using the steps on the IEAK site (listed in the "Summary" section above) to register and obtain an IEAK license. You will receive both a password to log on to the IEAK site and a 10-digit confirmation number that allows you to gain access to the IEAK Wizard after it is installed. 2. Run the IEAK Wizard. 3. When the "Welcome to the IEAK" dialog box is displayed, click Next. 4. When the "Gathering Information" dialog box is displayed, click Next. 5. When the Company Name and Customization Code dialog box is displayed, type your company name and customization code, click Corporate Administrator, and then click Next. 6. When the Platform Options dialog box is displayed, click Windows 9x/NT 4.0, and then click Next. 7. When the File Locations dialog box is displayed, click the destination folder in which you want to create this build, and then click Next. 8. When the Language Selection dialog box is displayed, click the appropriate language, and then click Next. 9. When the Media Selection dialog box is displayed, make the appropriate selections, and then click Next. 10. When the Feature Selection dialog box is displayed, click Uncheck All Features, click Desktop Customization, and then click Next. 11. When the Specifying Setup Parameters dialog box is displayed, click Next. 12. When the Microsoft Download Site dialog box is displayed, click Next. 13. When the Automatic Version Synchronization dialog box is displayed, make sure all components have been synchronized by clicking Synchronize All, and then click Next. 14. When the Windows Desktop Update dialog box is displayed, click Yes, and then click Next. 15. When the "Customizing the Browser" dialog box is displayed, click Next. 16. When the Wizard Complete dialog box is displayed, click Next, and then click Finish. The Windows Desktop Update package is now ready to distribute. REFERENCES ========== Q165695 How to Add or Remove Windows Desktop Update Q217644 Finding an IEAK Customization Code Additional query words: active desktop win95 winnt ====================================================================== Keywords : kbinterop kbtool Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNTWsearch kbWinNTW400 kbWinNTW400search kbWinNT400search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 kbIEsearch kbWin95search kbIEAKSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbIEAK500 Version : :4.0,5.0,95 Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.